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" *GASPS* Oh..my..God. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph..NO WONDER I'M LIKE THIS! " I yelled to myself as I woke up.

All of a sudden the door opened,

" Miss Kaneshiro is everything alright?!" A nurse who was worried came inside the room.

Oh, I was inside a Hospital room.

..Why the heck am I inside the Hospital room?

"I'm sorry but could you perhaps tell me what happened?" I asked.

"*sigh* You were walking on the sidewalk beside a park when a soccer ball hit you on your jaw while you were looking at the sky." My sister, whom I didn't notice was sitting beside me, unamused, said.

"Ah, H-Hi Onee-san." 

She sighed and excused herself to go and call her husband to check up on her kids.

"I'm glad that you are awake Miss Kaneshiro. We will just be doing a little checking to make sure you are good to go." She said and I agreed.

When all was done, my sister drove me all the way to my mom's house. Though, we were just renting it.

"Rieko, next time please be more aware of your surroundings. Getting a call from a hospital saying you were passed out was not good for my heart." My sister, Kotori sighed and patted my head.

"Alright." No promises though, the next thing you know I was run over by a bus then somehow was magically impaled hahaha ha..I was joking.

"Good thing it didn't leave a bruise, no?" She smiled.

Well..about that, actually-

We arrived in front of the house and I went up to my room.

"Rieko, I bought you your new uniform! It should be there on your bed..your fucking University just had to change its style this year.." I can practically hear her chastise them.

" *laughs* Ok, thank you! "

I closed the door to my room and looked at the uniform. Funny how everyone in University, no matter what their course is, you have the same uniform as everyone else. That was unless you were in your specialization class, then you'd wear the appropriate attire for that.

When I turned around I felt like my soul left my body.

" AHHH! "

T-The fucking letter..the book..all that shit I saw before I died..they're all on my desk!

"RIEKO?! WHAT'S WRONG??!" She ran up and hastily opened my door.

"O-Oh, it's nothing I just saw your face on the uh-..picture frame. *awkward laughs* Ah, did...you bought me those..things over there?"

"You seriously...*sigh* Also, no. The hospital staff said they found it beside you so they thought it was yours. Is it not?"

"No no no, it is, Thank you." I quickly said.

"...ok? I need to go back to my house. Your brother-in-law can't put Angie to sleep." She rubbed her temples.

I bid her goodbye at the door and rushed back to my room.

"Why the fuck are you shits here?!" I shook the papers as if they'd talk back and if they did, I'll be on the other side of the earth. I think I'm getting a bit crazy here. But it's fine cause therapy is just one call away. It was +8174-XXX-XXXX.

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