Chapter 2

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Today was a special day since you all took a few days off and decided to drive to the beach together. You had a pretty rough mission lasting a whole week affecting all of you both physically and mentally, so you came to the conclusion, that a little vacay to a relaxing beach was just the perfect thing you all needed and highly deserved. Tony, as the billionaire he is, found a perfect cozy beach house with a specious pool located not far from the beach providing the chance to swim in the comfort of your "home" or go for a swim in the beautiful clear salt water of the sea.

Of course, for this vacation, you needed to prepare yourself so you went with Natasha to buy some new swimwear since all your bikinis from last year either didn't fit or you just didn't feel good in them. With the help of Natasha, you also bought some summer dresses and other clothes which you can't wait to wear once you are there.

Finally, the day came and you were already waiting for everyone to gather so you could drive away since you decided to go by car because the beach was only a few hours away. "I can't wait to jump into the water", you said almost jumping out of excitement. "And I think you can't wait to show off your new bikini since I'm sure that every single person on the beach will not be able to keep their eyes off of you." you whispered to Natasha with a huge grin. She returned your grin and lightly pushed you a little while replying: "Well that goes for you too princess I'm sure there is at least one guy who already fell for your charm." You rolled your eyes and handed her your suitcase that she packed in the trunk of the car.

"Okay guys everything is packed.", Natasha shouted to the guys standing patiently in front of the two cars. "Alright since we are more people we will go with two cars as we already agreed on. Now Natasha you will drive with me and Bruce since you know the route better than me.", Tony said to her before pointing at Peter. "And Peter you will also drive with us just so I can keep an eye on you." "But Mr. Stark-" "No buts Peter, I promised your aunt that I will look out for you.", he said while Peter looked at you with disappointment since he wanted to sit next to you. "Since (Y/n) will drive with you I'm sure that all of you will just perfectly fit in the car if she sits in the middle.", he explained to the rest of the team. "Hey!", you complained. "What if I don't want to sit in the middle?" "I'm sorry sweetheart, but life isn't always fair", Tony answered before going to the car and entering it, followed by Natasha, Bruce, and Peter who stopped for a moment to settle something.

You turned to the group you were left with: Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Thor. You walked to the car and Steve made himself comfortable, since he was the driver, while the rest of you discussed where everyone was going to sit. "Because I'm the only girl here I think it would only be fair if I sit in the front.", you demanded. "Well that ain't gonna work since the three of us don't fit in the back so you don't have a choice", Sam said while shrugging his shoulders. "Alright, alright then who will join me in the back?", you asked looking at them. "I'm going to", they all said at the same time. "Great", you sighed.

They began to argue a little and because you didn't want to wait any longer for them to finally agree on something you suggested: "I say that Sam should sit in the front since he has the best and most unique music taste of us all." Knowing damn well how much he loves to be complimented, it was obvious that he would agree with you. "Fine I'll sit in the front so be prepared for the best music you ever heard.", he said before jumping in the car with the rest of you. Since the car wasn't really that big you had to admit that the three of them really wouldn't fit in the back since your moving space was pretty limited.

Sam almost instantly connected his phone to the speaker. You sang along to all the songs together with Sam since you knew them all by heart. Steve also sang along to some but he mostly just smiled and bopped his head along to the beat. Thor tried to sing along to some songs but he would end up singing the wrong lyrics or not knowing the words making you laugh. Bucky didn't really say much, but he did laugh with you and he even made a few jokes from time to time.

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