Chapter 4

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You got woken up by the throbbing pain of your ankle. You knew that walking on it yesterday, like nothing happened, would make it hurt even more, but you just had to storm out of the house since jumping on one foot was not how you wanted to walk out. You stood up slowly placing your weight onto your injured leg, but since it was hurting you decided not to walk on it. So you jumped around looking for some new clothes which you then put on. You took some painkillers that were left behind on your nightstand and you made your way downstairs to get some ice to place on your ankle. After a few minutes of trying to hop down without falling you made it downstairs.

You scanned the room in hopes of finding someone who is already awake, but you didn't spot a single soul, so you continued to hop your way to the fridge. After opening the freezer you found an ice pack, but of course, it was placed on the highest spot possible. You stretched your arm as much as you could, but that didn't help you much so you had no other choice than to stand on your tip-toes on one leg since you couldn't stand on the other one, which made you almost lose your balance.

"You look like you might need some help", you heard a voice say. Of course it had to be Bucky of all the people in this house. He walked towards you with amusement saying: "Wait let me" before placing himself right behind you, placing one hand on your waist and grabbing the icepack with his other hand. His touch surprised you, sending goosebumps all over your body. He placed the ice on the counter while you turned around to look at him. Suddenly he grabbed you with both hands around your waist, lifting you on top of the counter and making you sit next to the icepack. He kneeled down while saying: "Now let me see", lifting your leg slowly and inspecting it. "Does this hurt?", he asked while pressing your ankle gently with his hands. You twitched a little, because of the pain, before answering with a silent "Yes". "No wonder that it's all swollen since somebody just couldn't keep still yesterday.", he said raising his eyebrows. Then he placed the icepack on it, making you let out a sigh because of the pleasant feeling of the pain being eased.

You looked down and saw him holding your foot with both hands while his warm eyes were glancing at you. Before you could say anything you heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Natasha and Bruce being in what seems like an important conversation. But after seeing you two they walked over to you. You couldn't miss the look Natasha gave you with a small grin knowing exactly it had something to do with seeing you and Bucky alone, so you were sure that she was going to mention it when you guys were alone.

You all sat down in the living room and Bruce, as the caring person he is, looked at your ankle to make sure that walking on it yesterday didn't do too much damage before bandaging it to reduce the swelling. As time passed the other Avengers also made their way into the living room. It was the last day and you spend it either laying on the couch or on the sun loungers outside since you couldn't really walk around much. Someone was at least always by your side keeping you company so you wouldn't die of boredom. And since they went on a shopping trip without you, you convinced them to do a little fashion show with the bought items. Your belly hurt so much from laughing nonstop, especially when Sam decided to wear the clothes Natasha bought which were of course too small for him and made him look hilarious. After that Steve decided to cook for everyone before you went and packed your suitcase since it was time to leave.

You were all gathered in front of the two cars ready to drive back home. "Okay, did everyone pack everything? We are not going to drive back just because somebody forgot their charger. Peter?", Tony asked us while looking at Peter. "No Mr. Stark I'm totally ready.", he answered while holding his hands up in defense. "Alright now, because it would be bad that (Y/n)'s foot gets crushed by somebody, she is allowed to sit in the front which means that one of you will have to drive with Natasha and Peter in the back.", Tony continued and pointed at Thor, Bucky, and Sam. They looked at each other waiting for somebody to volunteer, which was of course not happening. "Rock, Paper, Scissors?", Thor asked with a smile. Then they played two times the first time being a draw and the second time Thor lost. "Impossible, I never lose at this game", Thor said visibly disappointed, but he still entered the car with everyone else and so did the rest of you.

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