Chapter 6

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You entered Tony's lab by swinging open the door a little too hard, making it slam on the wall. "Sorry.", you quickly said while entering. Bruce was also there, staring at you with a concerned expression, before asking: "Is everything alright?" "Yes totally, it just... slipped away somehow.", you answered shrugging. Tony looked at you for a moment before continuing: "Anyways, as you had probably already figured out, there is a mission for you. Here take a look." He handed you a folder in which you found a few reports and photos of a tall, young, white man with long brown hair and a smile that shows his white teeth. You could just tell by looking at the picture that he was a rich douchebag and that he would be a pain in the ass, but also an easy target.

Your mission reads as follows: You need to go undercover and find out as much information as possible since he was linked to a Hydra agent selling weapons and he would most likely know where the weapons would be delivered at. You were also informed that he is hosting big, expensive parties every week and that the next one takes place tonight, where you would turn up as a rich and spoiled daughter of a businessman.

"You got everything?", Tony asked still looking at you. "Yeah everything is clear, but about the clothes...", you started looking up at him with a small grin. "Your outfit is already in your room and don't worry, Natasha picked it out, so I'm sure it will look good on you", he continued giving you a wink with a smile. You nodded being pleased with his answer and went to walk out. "Oh yeah and I'll bring you your earpiece later since I just need to make sure it works properly", Bruce said and you held up a thumbs up before leaving.

You practically ran to your room, not that it was the first time you did today anyways. On your bed you found the dress. It was a black, shiny, long dress with a slit that went up to your upper thigh. Your mouth fell open and you just couldn't wait to wear it. "Jarvis? Call Natasha to come here right away. I need someone to help me get ready."

As soon as she received the message Natasha entered your room with a big smile knowing very well that you adored the dress she picked out. "Let me guess, you love it!", she said coming closer to you. "Are you kidding, of course I love it! Have you seen it? I'm going to look so expensive.", you said smiling back at her. "Good, now we have a few hours to go grab something to eat and get you ready for your mission.", Natasha said already planning out everything. "We should probably buy some makeup just to be sure that we have everything." And exactly as she said you did. You went out to grab some stuff and of course something to eat, and when you were sitting in front of the mirror in Natasha's room you just had enough time to get ready.

She did your makeup glamourous but still simple, making it look elegant and you slipped into the dress and a pair of heels and you added some jewelry as the cherry on top. You were looking at yourself in the mirror not being able to stop smiling at how pretty you looked. Natasha held her hands in front of her mouth before saying: "(Y/n) you look absolutely amazing babe, I'm going to cry.", while wiping away fake tears. "Stop it you're making me blush", you said and grabbed your purse and tossed in some wipes and makeup, just in case you needed to fix something.

Natasha looked at the clock and said: "Showtime princess, let's get going.", while pushing you out of the room. You stepped into the living room expecting to meet only Bruce and Tony but naturally, the Holy Trinity had to be present. Eyes widened when they fell on you and you could hear Sam whistling before saying: "Wow (Y/n) you look amazing." Steve was staring at you with his "proud-father-expression" and Tony was looking you up and down, chuckling a little.

When your eyes found Bucky, the first thing you noticed was that he was in a suit looking pretty handsome. But that could only mean one thing. "You look stunning", he said his eyes wandering over your body. "You don't look bad yourself. What is this?", you replied a little tense while looking at Tony. He pressed his lips together before saying: "He is coming with you, as your bodyguard." "My what?!", you said in disbelief. "Since you are playing the role of a high-class daughter, it is a must that you have a bodyguard, so it is basically to not blow your cover. And I don't want you going alone.", he added his voice getting quieter.

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