Chapter 7

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When you arrived at the Avengers Tower the first thing you did was to change into something more comfortable and remove all your makeup before heading down to where everyone was already gathered in the meeting room. Bucky and you told the others what you had found out and you gave Bruce your earpiece so he could play back what it had recorded. "Good job you two", Steve said proudly when the meeting was over. You just nodded and smiled and went to the kitchen to grab a bite since you didn't eat anything before the mission. "What did you do to Bucky?", you heard Sam asking while standing next to you. You looked at him confused and he pointed to the living room where you saw him sitting with everybody else smiling and joking around with Steve. "This is the first time he decided to join in", Sam said smiling. You smiled at the scene in front of you being glad that he felt more comfortable now.

You found some pastry and stacked it on a plate before going to the living room and placing it on the table. "Your Majesty always taking care of us.", Sam said jokingly, taking a piece. You grinned and went back to the fridge where you took out two cans of coke before going back to hand Natasha the second one. "Thanks babe.", Natasha said smiling while watching you sit down. You looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at you so you asked: "What? Why are you all staring at me?", and waiting for them to say something. "Well you passed this mission pretty well and we have this ritual where, if you pass a certain amount of missions well as an Avenger, you have to do a dare.", Sam said smiling. Your eyes widened and you asked: "And you all did that when you started. Even Bucky?"

"Yeah I did and you don't wanna know what I had to do", Bucky said placing a hand on his head. "You should've seen it (Y/n). Tony came up with the dare that he had to wear a maid costume for two days and it was the funniest thing ever", Peter said laughing and you chuckled saying: "I really would have gladly seen that", grinning at Bucky. "Careful there doll remember that your dare is still not set so I could make you wear a costume too.", he said raising his brows and looking you up and down while licking his lips. "Enough of you two flirting. Now... what are we going to make her do?", Tony said looking around. "Maybe a maid costume wouldn't be a bad idea", Natasha said poking you in the side, raising her eyebrows. "Nat!", you said shooked smiling. "Okay, now quickly tell me, so that I can get it over with.", you said looking around while they were trying to think of something.

Suddenly you saw Bucky's eyes widen and his lips curling up into a grin. "Oh no.", you said knowing it was going to be bad. "I know the perfect dare for you."

And so it happened that you had to say yes to everything for a day. At first, they wanted it to be two days but since they could make you do basically anything, they decided that one day will be fairly enough. "And don't be surprised if tomorrow morning there is a maid costume in front of your door.", Sam said smiling making everyone laugh. "I dare you.", you said chuckling while pointing at him. "Well, I'm going to bed now. Gotta think of all the things I'm going to make you do tomorrow.", Bucky said while standing up. You also stood up saying: "Yeah I should probably go to bed too according to what is waiting for me tomorrow.", you said jawning. "Good night everyone", you said and walked to the elevator with Bucky. It opend and you stepped inside.

"Already got some ideas", you teased and looked at him. "Plenty", he answered while staring back at you. "Is that so", you said raising your brows and walking closer to him. He nodded slightly grinning at you. "All the things you could make me do", you teased smiling sweetly looking up at him while his head moved closer to yours. A soft "mhm" came out of his throat and his head moved closer and closer to your face. Your face was inches away from his and you could feel his breath and see his eyes wander to your lips. You lifted your hand and flicked your fingers on his forehead moving away. Just then the elevator came to a halt and you heard a ding and the door opened. He flinched and placed his hand on his forehead from the slight pain while looking at you surprised. You smiled raising your eyebrows while saying: "Now now is that a way to talk to Your Majesty?", before chuckling to yourself and walking to your room, hearing a small laugh from behind you.

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