Sebastian Stan in quarantine

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Okay, something happend and long story short everyone had to quarentine. So now you are going to watch a video of Sebastian Stan in quarentine.

Bucky: "Why a video of technically me"

Sam: "I hope this is embarresing"

He makes a popping sound with his lips, then it cuts to him washing his hands while inspecting them (I think that is what he is doing).

Yelena: "This is starting off fun"

It then shows him fixing his shirt and putting his hands in his pockets.

Clint: "Always gotta make sure you're looking good"

He is now cleaning his counter, then mopping his floor. He is washing his hands again but with latex gloves on.

Steven: "Why are you washing your hands with gloves on"
Marc: "Probably so he doesn't have to use another pair of gloves and waste it"
Steven: "That's a good point"

He is now cleaning his door and doorframe, then puts his gloves in a plastic bag and kicks it.

Scott: "That was aggressive"

He washes his hands again. He is throwing rasberries into his mouth, he misses, "Fuck".

Natasha: "Language"

Steve: "It was one time"

Tony: "Yeah but it still happended"

Sam: "Ha, you missed"

Bucky: "Shut up Wilson," he flips him off

It cuts to him doing pushups,

Sam: "Look at you, doing exerxise"

Bucky rolls his eyes at him.

then him whistleing and making noises with his mouth. He is then shown reading The Lonely City while laughing, he then unscrews a bottle and drinks it.

He is dancing while singing, "Hungry Eyes, one look at you and I can't describe I got-,"

Everyone starts laughing while Bucky blushes.

Sam: "Who knew you could sing so well," he says sarcastically and teasing-ly

Bucky: "It's not me singing pigeon"

Steve: "That might not be you, but you can sing, or you at least you could back in the day" Bucky flips him off

Sam high fives Steve for teaming up with up.

it cuts to a different song, "Right back
where it's coming for-," (I'm not sure if thaf is the lyrics, it was kinda hard to tell.)

Clint: laughing, "I'm sorry, this is just really funny"

Scott: also laughing, "right," Bucky glares at him, "I- uh, I mean this is not funny at all, Sergant Barnes"

the song changes and he is dancing to it. He is singing, "I wanna know what love iiiisssss,"

Everyone continues to laugh

the song changes, "hello, is it me your're looking for".

At this point Sam is basically off of his chair from laughing so much

It cuts to him flashing the lights on and off, and then the video ends

Tony: "Well that was fun"

Peter: "What are we going to watch now"

Now you are going to watch a video of Marc and Steven.

Marc: "I really don't think we hav to do that"
Steven: "Come on Marc, how bad can it be"

Well, you guys have a show called Moon Knight-

Steven: "That's cool"

-so everyone is going to eatch a clip from one of the episodes, episode 5 to be exact.

Thor: What happend in episode 5

Loki: Either somthing really funny, sad, or important

Loki is correct. The scene is a pretty sad one, but also important.

Next chapter might take awhile to post, I don't really know. It is pretty long so it might take some time.

-Laters gators

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