t h r e e

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Taehyung woke up with a throbbing headache, he was so wasted that he forgot who took him home. After getting up, he goes to the sink to wash his stinky face. The remnants of alcohol intoxication is crystal clear on his face.

He proceeds to take a bath before eating. As the water cascades down on his face, he couldn't help but to relieve yesterday's memories. At some point, he just feared that one day it'll happen again.

He got out of the shower and put some clothes in. As he checks his phone, there is still no morning text from chae-won. He now feels upset and sad, going to the resto across the building, his footsteps became heavy. It was clear that his mood is spoiled.

When he settles down, he decided to call chae-won just to check up on her. It is very weird of her not to text good morning. At least, he wants to know what's happening

But to no avail, his calls didn't get through again and again. So he decided to text her

"Why aren't you accepting my calls? Did something happen?" Taehyung texted and massages his temples after. It's the truth. He does this when he het stress.

Not more than 5 minutes while he's still eating, a notification came through

"Im sorry, i was in the middle of something. What do you want?" Chae-won replied

"I miss you! Don't you miss me?" Taehyung texted

"Ah- yeah i miss you too but yeah as i told you, I'm kinda in a middle of something" chae-won replied back

"You seem different today? What happened? You know you can always share it to me right. If it's money problems then i can take part of it" taehyung said with good intentions

"You see, that's why your exe's left you. You're always giving anything and they just used you because of you naivety" chae-won replied

As soon as taehyung received thise words from her. He didn't expect it from chae-won knowing she knew what he went through plus, it's clearly that it's gonna hurt doubled knowing it came from her..

"Are you fvcking serious? I'm just worried. You don't need to shove it down my face how shitty i am as a person. I meant no harm in offering help. But if you really don't want to then you could've told me nicely. It is unlike of you to act this way." Taehyung replied. His vein popped out from gripping his phone hardly.

It is true that he's naive or somewhat people came to say that to him. But to shove it down his face that it's his fault for doing things he love the most (which is offering help or being kind) then he's truly hurt by that.

"I'm sorry tae. I'm really sorry. I'm in a shitty mood right now because something just happened. I didn't mean all of the words i said. You don't need to concern yourself with this. Just let me fix my own problems." Chae-won replied

Taehyung read the text message but decided not to reply after what chae-won just said to him. It genuinely hurts his feelings. Coming from her who actually knows the whole story. She should know how to be tactful and mindful of the words

He didn't finish his food and left the resto wearing a gloomy face and teary eyes  he just stayed at his room the whole day sulking. Feeling bad about himself , and, self-loathing. He could only wish he could become jungkook. He could wish to be the player and just inflict the same pain he received from everyone.

But he's not like that. He refuse to be like that . That why he always advices jungkook to behave. He calls out jungkook everytime when he get the chance to. But ultimately, jungkook has changed little by little. At least there's improvement. He's still flirty but not a player anymore.

----day passed----

Taehyung thought this is getting weird. After their last conversation, chae-won didn't contact him anymore. He also didn't contact her. But now it's been three days of no communication. He's getting worried.

"Hey, are we still good?" Taehyung texted first. He just didn't to lower his pride, he just want to make peace with her.

Again, as he expected something but there's still no reply. He just continued to do his stuff. Last conversation went badly and chae-won told that she's fixing her own problems. So all he need to do is to wait until the boiling water calms.

He fixed himself a dinner and ate. Taehyung called namjoon before his thoughts bacame wildly lose. Fortunately namjoon doesn't have a prior engagements so he is able to come at tae's condo. More or less, namjoon came by 30 minutes after taehyung texted him.

"So what's up? What's bothering you that you texted me this late to come over?" Namjoon asked

"Ah- I'm kinda having a trouble right now" taehyung replied

"What kind of trouble? Is it money because you called the wrong person. You might wanna call jungkook hahahha" namjoon jokingly said

"It's not that kind of trouble, it's the same trouble you know" taehyung replied weakly

Namjoon already knows what taehyung meant by that "what happen?" Namjoon said in a focused manner

"We got an argument because remember the day we got drunk? The day ater that, i tried to contact her and she didn't accept the call. So i texted her and she told me she got some problems. So as usual i offered my help but she took it negatively and said some words that are hurtful. So we kinda argued and she apologized to me. However, she's still off the grid. I can't reach her. I'm actually worried. Our monthsary is in few days" taehyung shared his sentiments

Hey armies, go stream "yet to come" as much as you can. That's what we can do for our boys to pay their hardwork. It's such a sweet and beautiful song.

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