𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆. 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏

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"Fuck you, Justin!"

"You just did."


I scream for the twentieth time at the top of my lungs as I continue to bang my hands on the door harshly. Pure anger and frustration ate my entire soul because I never heard any replies back from our friends. There is just total silence on the other side; they must've left. Me and my worst enemy. Alone together. In the same room.

My blood boiled from the thought of the awful situation I have been unconsentually put into. I once again yell out, yet still no responses. It was all just stillness, until the devil spoke from behind me.

"Stop tantruming like a little child. You know it's useless to keep doing that; you are just yelling at no one," Justin sighed.

I turn my head towards his direction - seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed with his phone out - sending him a sharp glare.

"Shut the hell up, I'm not talking to you!" I shout at him.

"Well, you clearly are talking to me right now. Otherwise, who are you saying that to?" He says back, boredness in his voice.

I ignored him, not looking away without rolling my eyes at his presence. Sighing heavily, I groaned, my hands flying to my face, facepalming hardly. I heard the bed creak, indicating that the person must have stood up. He slowly walks over to me, I backed up instantly.

"Get the fuck away fro-" my sentence was cut off when my back was harshly slammed into the wall. Hands firmly gripping on my wrists.

"You know, you look so pretty when you're mad," the sudden change of his usual high-pitched voice to a really deep one took me aback, slightly frightening the living heck out of me. The intense stare his chocolate brown eyes are shooting at my own is quite intimidating, managing to take some of my breath away.

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to get out of his grasp, failing at every attempt I make. "Let me go, you jerk!"

I gasp lightly when he suddenly leans in, TO MY EARS, and whispered with a very masculine and husky voice.

"You're so feisty; I love it. There are just some things about you that drives me crazy as hell. I have no idea how you do it, and I kinda hate you for it."

My breath unsteadied, my cheeks turned to light shade of pink.

"That is not my problem, Kroma," I reply.

He smirks. "Oh honey, you just don't know how to shut up, now do you?"

His face drew closer, his deep breaths hitting my nose, sending me shivers and tingles inside. I can feel his grip tightening, but that became the last of my current concerns after the things he said and did.

"I will make you shut up, then."

Before I could comprehend it, he smashed our lips together.

* * *

Catching our breaths, he stood up as I stayed. He panted, picking up his underwear and pants and putting them on. I silently watched him get dressed, still comfortably laying on the bed, sweaty and exhausted.

We really just did that.

I cannot believe we just did that.

"Still in shock, baby?" I snap out of my thoughts and looked at him, seeing the familiar playful and annoying smirk on his lips. I just rolled my eyes and put my attention elsewhere.

"I guess that worked. That did make you shut up," he laughs.

I threw a glare at him. "Whatever, Justin."

I also stood up and put my own clothes on, sitting back down on the warm and soft cushion as I finished.

"You looked cute under me, by the way," he continued to tease me. I knew doing it with him is such a bad idea.

"Fuck you, Justin!"

"You just did," he cheekily replies.

"I hate you so much, you know that right?!" I yell out, waving my arms up and down in frustration.

He chuckled as he walked over to me, pressing a kiss on my lips. "Oh, trust me. I hate you so much more."

The sound of the doorknob twisting downstairs caught our attention, and we frantically acted. Justin took the air freshener and started to quickly spray it in the air as I tried to make the bed look untouched as possible.

We both sat back down, me on the bed and him on the gaming chair, and the room door swung open. It revealed the strange expressions of our friends: eyebrows lifted, eyes staring at us as if they knew something.

Drew laughed lowly as he spoke, "Told ya they'd fuck. Where's my $10?" He asks Austin, holding his hand out.

"Y'all seriously made a bet on it?" Justin says, quite surprised.

"Yep," he answers nonchalantly as the boy beside him groans, handing him the money.

"I told you guys to make up, not make out!" Willis exclaimed then looks at me. His eyes widened.

"And I sleep on that side of the bed!"


𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘆𝗕𝗼𝘅 𝑨𝑫𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑵 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now