Chapter 18

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Heather stepped inside to talk to Charles' manager. Isla waited outside the front doors, with the constant sound of cameras clicking behind her. She wanted to go and break every camera behind her, she hated all of this attention.

Heather emerged a couple minutes later and waved Isla in. Heather led her to a conference room and inside there was a small table and two chairs, one already occupied by Charles.

Isla entered the room and sat down at the chair opposite Charles. She looked at him. "Can we talk?" she said.

"I guess, not a lot to talk about" He said

"You are kidding me right?" She exasperated

He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Do you want to talk about driving or personal stuff first? Isla pushed him to choose a topic.

"Personal" He said sharply and he leaned on the table so he could lower his voice a bit "Let's start with the fact that you didn't even talk to me about what happened at dinner last night, ran away and slept with George" he said

"Excuse me?" Isla said in shock.

"Why else would he show up today at the paddock with you in the same clothes as last night" He said aggressively

"You really think I would do that?" She said

"I Don't think that, I know it." He paused "George said he slept with you last night"

Isla's eyes widened "He didn't say that" She said in disbelief

"He just said that, when he came to see me" He said and he looked away from Isla, she could see he was hurting.

"He slept in my hotel room" Isla said, and Charles eyes flickered back up to hers and she saw some pain flash across his eyes.

"He slept fully clothed because we both fell asleep watching a show we used to watch as teens, that is it." She said firmly and paused "Besides, I would never kiss or sleep with anyone to get back at someone I really liked" She shot him a look

Charles looked down "Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning, if I can be honest. I haven't slept at all since Charlotte showed up. I didn't want her here, Pierre was trying to be nice" He paused "I don't know why he would do it, but he was trying to be a good friend"

"I need to clear the air on something, please tell me I'm not the person you cheated on with" She said "I cant continue this thing between us if that is the case" She continued

Charles looked at her for a moment and paused.

"I think I will take that pause as my answer" Isla said as she stood up

"Isla, wait" He stood up

"I broke up with her the night we met, before dinner" Charles admitted

"Ah, I see. So I was a rebound?" Isla said still standing

Charles looked sad "You really weren't. I really care for you, I want to be with you every moment of the day"

Isla nodded "I really care for you, but I need some time, you did kiss another girl this morning, you reacted poorly to the crash and humiliated me in front of the paddock. You hurt me charles. I need some space and time." She said firmly

Charles sat down and put his face in his hands and then looked up. "I think that's fair, just know I will wait for you" He said looking up at her.

Isla smiled a bit and nodded then walked out the door.

She left the ferrari motorhome quickly and walked briskly back to the Alpha Tauri motorhome to finally get out of her driving suit. She headed into the hospitality then was about to enter the drivers area, but heard some arguing. She stopped and listened, it was Pierre and Katerina.

"Fine, you should leave. We both aren't happy. Honestly, it would be best if we finally break up." Pierre said as the door swung open and Katerina stormed out.

Isla was stuck standing there and made eye contact with Pierre. "I'm sorry, I was just heading in and overheard the last part." She quickly said

"It's fine, why are you still in your racing suit?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"I just went to Ferrari to try to talk to Charles" She said

Pierre's eyes widened "How did that go? He was super pissed, can't imagine it ended well"

Isla didn't want to get into it right now. "You got that right," she said, sounding sad. "I could really use a drink to blow off some steam" She admitted

"Same" Pierre said as he looked at Ilsa

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Pierre laughed "Honestly, with you I never know what you are thinking"

Isla chuckled "Good" she smiled "Want to grab a drink, drown our sorrows?" she suggested

Pierre smiled again "Sounds great"

"Meet you in the lobby in 2 hours?" Isla said confidently.

Pierre gave her a thumbs up and headed out the door. Isla changed back into her shorts and jacket and headed back into the main area.

Heather was waiting for you. "How did the talk with Charles go?" She asked Isla immediately.

"I went... uh... okay I guess" She said, unsure of how to talk about this with Heather.

Heather looked at her a little suspiciously "Okay" She said

"I'm going back to the hotel, I have some plans with Pierre" Isla said casually

"I'm heading back also, I'll walk with you" Heather said

On the walk back Heather pushed for more information "So with Charles, care to elaborate?"

"Promise to stay calm and keep it between us?" Isla said looking at her, "I need to talk to someone about this or I'm going to lose my mind."

"I'm here to support you, that is literally my job. Plus you remind me of myself back in the day" She said

Isla smiled "Thanks, I appreciate it." She took a deep breath. "Charles and I were sort of dating?... I guess that is what people would call it?" She said

"Ahhh, makes sense" Heather said

"Really? It does?" Isla said shocked

"Love does crazy things" Heather said

"I wouldn't say love yet, but I guess" Isla said and continued to fill Heather in on what had happened.

By the time that she finished telling her story, they were back at the hotel. Isla checked her watch and she had 30 minutes to go get ready and meet Pierre.

"I have to run to get changed before meeting Pierre" She said to Heather

Heather nodded "thanks for telling me what was going on, now I can actually help you" She winked.

"Thank you Heather, I'm lucky to have you as my manager" Isla smiled then ran upstairs to her room.

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