Chapter 29 - Australia pt. 3

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After her last meeting with her strategist Isla headed back to her hotel room.

"Hey Isla," Pierre said as he left his meeting with his engineer.

"Hey" She smiled at him.

"Whats are you up to tonight?" He asked as they made their way to the van to take them back to the hotel.

"Oh I have plans with my brother actually" She said conveniently leaving out the plans with Charles.

"Really? He is here?" He asked.

"No, he and his friend Will have a F1 podcast, they asked George and I to come on the podcast" She said

"George? Really?" He gave Isla a discerning look.

"It's all good, he has apologized and we are strictly friends. I made sure of that, it's good to have a friend in F1" She said

Pierre looked hurt. "Oh, and I'm not?" He asked

"Of course you are, but I would say one step higher" She said. Pierre's face lit up. "Because you are my teammate, we have to stick together." Isla continued and Pierre looked out the window.

"Makes sense," he said still looking out the window.

"Want to get something to eat before the interview?" Isla asked.

Pierre turned back to her and smiled "Sure"

The van arrived back at the hotel, Isla realized she needed to change, Pierre was smart enough to bring a change of clothes to the meetings.

"I just need to change quickly" Isla said. "You can come and wait in my room if you'd like," She said.

He nodded and they walked back to her room. As they walked up to the door, Isla could see that there was a bouquet of colorful flowers at her door. She knew right away it was Charles. She started walking fast to intercept the flowers before Pierre said too much.

Isla leaned down quickly to pick up the flowers, Pierre grabbed the note and read it.

"You know who?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Long story," She said, trying to avoid the topic.

"Seriously, you can tell me" he said

"I bet you it's a joke from my brother," she said. "He is weird, probably trying to start some drama" She lied.
"Weird," he said as he returned the note to the flowers so it stuck out of colorful petals.

She shrugged and took a look at the note:
I can't wait to see you tonight. Meet you on the steps of the Opera House.
Love, you know who ; )
Isla smiled at the note, knowing it was from Charles. She carried the vase with the note to the table between two armchairs next to the window. She really needed to see how this date went so she could really make a decision.

Isla quickly changed into a tank top and shorts and then headed out with Pierre to grab something to eat at the hotel restaurant.

They sat down at a table next to the window and ordered something to eat and drink.

While waiting for their food. Pierre looked upset, "Hey, are you okay?" Isla asked looking concerned.

"Sorry, don't want to be a downer" He said

"It's fine, I can tell something is wrong," She said, still pressing for information.

"It's just this whole podium by Monaco business. It's stressing me out." he admitted, looking up at Isla.

Isla nodded. "I can't imagine the stress that it is putting on you." Isla agreed.

"Ya, F1 just means so much to me. I need to keep racing. I can't lose my seat already, I'm not ready to retire" he said sadly.

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