Chapter 26

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She quickly got ready for bed, threw on some sweats and her trusty oxford brookes hoodie and crawled into bed. She thought about what happened with Pierre, did she feel bad because it happened or did she feel bad only because she almost got caught? She stared at the ceiling and tried to fall asleep.

She rolled over and checked her phone, an hour had passed and she was still staring at her ceiling. She quickly got out of bed, grabbed her headphones and her book and headed out to the inside garden and sat down on the bench. She tucked her feet up to her chest and started to read. She figured the fresh air and reading would help her fall asleep.

Isla was suddenly woken up by a nudge. She sat straight up and turned to see who had woken her up. It was Pierre standing there with two coffee cups. "Figured I'd return the favour" he said with a smile as he handed her a mug.

"I guess I fell asleep reading" Isla explained

"Guess so," Pierre said as he took a sip of his coffee and sat down next to Isla. "Is everything okay?" he asked turning to face Isla.

"Oh, yeah. Everythings fine,''she lied. Isla couldn't get the kiss out of her head. She needed to figure all of this out before it drove her crazy. "What time is it?" She asked changing the subject.

Pierre pulled out his phone, "It's 7, the car to alpha tauri will be here in half an hour" He said

"Shit, okay I should go get ready" She said as she stood up. Pierre followed her back inside and up to their apartments.

Pierre opened his door, and Charles came to the door. "Hey Isla" He said with a smile. "Can we chat for a minute?" He asked

Pierre gave him a puzzled look. And then he looked at Isla.

Isla noticed Pierre's puzzled look, she nodded "Sure, but we have to go to headquarters in like half an hour and I still need to get ready" She said as she opened her door and gestured Charles into the apartment.

Charles gave Pierre a smug smile as he walked past him and into Isla's place. Pierre Looked at Isla, she shrugged then closed the door.

The minute the door closed, Charles grabbed Isla and pressed his lips on hers. Isla returned the kiss, but she did feel that it wasn't the same. Her mind wandered to the kiss with Pierre.

Charles pulled away. "Is everything okay?" He asked quickly, "You seem..." He paused "different".

Isla looked away when he said different. She felt guilty but part of her wanted to stay with Charles. She looked at him. "Honestly it has been a crazy week, it's hard to process everything" She said

Charles stepped forward and grabbed her hands. "I totally get it, Isla" he said. "I went through a weird phase after my first win" He admitted.

Isla stepped back "I appreciate you telling me that, but I really need to get going or else I'm going to be late. I need to shower" Isla smiled sadly, she wanted to spend more time with him to see how she felt.

"I need a shower also" he winked

Isla couldn't resist the wink and quickly grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom.

Isla quickly left the bathroom, her face flushed and went to go get changed in her bedroom. Leaving Charles in the bathroom so he couldn't get changed back into his clothes.

Isla heard a knock at the door "Shit" she muttered to herself, that must have been Pierre she thought.

She finished getting ready and headed out to the living room. Where Pierre and Charles were having a discussion by the door.

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