Chapter 5 - Cloud

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Hello! Hahaha! Everyone meet Jason Cloud Montero! Okay, the song doesn't have anything do with Cloud but I want to add it so, yeah. Hahahaha!


Chapter 5 - Cloud

I stood in front of my locker and stared at it. My expression remained blank but on the inside I'm literally freaking out. My stomach is growling and it's lunch but who gives a flying fuck when my mind is too occupied by other things.

Why? Why are you doing this to me, Cupid? Do you hate me so much? I frigging decided to move on and you just, you keep on pushing him on me! Why?

Reader: You're being delusional.

Shut up, Reader. So, yes, Cupid's pushing Dylan Sebastian Tatia my way and it sucks. Big time. You're probably wondering why I said that, this is my proof, read the text that Seb sent me earlier before heading to school.

From: Sebastian Tatia
Good Morning, Darling. I'll pick you up today. Be sure to be ready by 7:45. Or else.


"Skittles! Seb's here for you!" I heard Mother shouting from downstairs. I immediately went down and saw him on the kitchen table conversing with my Dad while eating pancakes. "Good Morning." I greeted as I went to give Mom and Dad a kiss on the cheek before sitting down beside Seb.

"You didn't tell us that Seb's picking you up." My Father said with a teasing look in his eyes. It's not a secret that I like the guy. My parents knows it. "Yeah, neither did I." I commented before taking a bite of pancake from the plate that Mom placed in front of me.

I heard Seb clearing his throat making me turn and give him a questioning look. "So..." He trailed off before coughing. "I was wondering if maybe we could go watch the second installment of Avengers, this Saturday." He said, avoiding eye contact as he did. I shrugged before responding. "Yeah, sure, why not? What did Charlie say about that?" I asked as I continued on munching down my pancake.

"Actually, darling, it's just going to be the two of us."


And that's how Cupid fucked with me. By manipulating my first love into asking me out on a date!

Reader: Stop reading into this. What if he just asked you out as a friend?

Okay, reader has a point but shut it. Anyways, I don't know if this darling thing is going to keep happening. I mean, is he really going to call me that? Every single time he texts me? In person? In front of my parents? That's just so fucked up.

"What's got you so deep in your thoughts, mon amour?"

I turned and saw none other than - Jason Cloud Montero aka The Bad Boy. I clocked my tongue to the side as I glared at his smirking face. "Seriously? My love?" I asked. "Yeah." He said without any further explanation or anything. "Why mon amour?" I inquired making his smirk grew wider. "Because you're my love, I love you."

And I frigging choked on my own saliva.

"The fuck?!" I yelled making the people walking pass us turn to look. I cleared my throat. "You love me?" I hissed at him. "Yes." He replied, a look of amusement clouding his eyes. Ha! Cloud-ing!

Reader: Don't be such a corny bastard.

I was about to tell Cloud to explain when he cut me off. "And by that, I meant I love you." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I get that you love -" "Skittles. As in I love you because I love Skittles. The candy." He finished. Son of bitch! I huffed as I felt my cheeks getting red. If this day could get any worse, I'll freaking kill myself.

I shook my head before looking up and saw that Jason Cloud Montero is still there, staring at me with a smile grazing his lips.

Reader: You gotta admit he looks freaking handsome just by doing that.

Okay, fine. Reader's fucking right. He looks extremely handsome. "Earth to you, mon amour." He playfully called out. "Shut it, Cloud." I muttered under my breath. "If you say so, mon amour. Come on." He said with a smirk before taking my hand and pulling towards the cafeteria.

Cloud pushed the door open, quite loudly might I add making everyone turn to look in our direction and in turn made me feel conscious of how I look next to a handsome guy like him. "I can walk on my own. I don't need you holding my hand for a guide." I whispered. Cloud glanced at me over his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter if you can do it on your own, what matters is if I want to or not."


There was an awkward silence hovering in the table. People are glancing our ways and whispering to each other.

Reader: Can you get even more cliché?

Probably not, Reader.

The jock, the new guy, and the bad boy in the same table with two normal teenage girls. Yeah, to say that the cheerleaders were jealous would be an understatement.

None of us were touching our food, everything seemed out of place and it was just... awkward. That's what I think. Seb was silent and was looking between Charlie and Val who seemed to be talking animatedly while Cloud sat there, looking bored as ever.

I heard a throat clearing on my left making me - and the others - turn towards where it came. "Yes, Seb?" I asked, a crease sporting in my forehead as he did. "If you don't mind me asking, why are they sitting here?" It was obvious that Seb directed the question to Charlie and I as he was completely ignoring Val's and Cloud's existence. "What's wrong with them sitting in here?" Charlie countered, clearly unimpressed by Seb's lack of manners. "Nothing at all but you gotta admit this is new." Charlie's eyes turned to slits. That's a code for something smells fishy. "Right, darling?" He added, asking for my input. "You call her darling?!" Charlie exclaimed. She knew that I was trying to move on and I know that she knows that Seb calling me darling won't make it easy.

I heard Cloud chuckling making me turn to look at him and from the corner of my eye, I think I saw Val's lips forming into a mischievous smirk as his eyes shine with nothing but amusement.

"She's Skittles to you, jock."

And I didn't know if I imagined it or not but I swear, when Cloud said that, he had that aura of authority radiating off him. And possessiveness was clear in his eyes.


She's Skittles to you, jock.

Hahaha! Love it!


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