Chapter 7 - Because He is Who He is

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What up? Like I said on The Journal Entries, I attached a picture of Mr. & Mrs. Meyer. They look cute together, don't they? Hahaha!

By the way, the A/N is important! Please read!


Chapter 7 - Because He is Who He is

It's Saturday and Seb canceled our movie night together. As expected from him. He said that his parents wanted him home to babysit his little brother but I know better. That's an excuse he uses when he's about to get laid but made plans and he forgot.

"Princess, I thought you and Dylan are going out tonight." Dad said when he saw me sitting in the couch watching a movie. "Yeah, well, he canceled on the last minute saying he has to babysit his brother." I replied. "How about you? Why are you home early?" I asked "Your Mom and I are going to dinner with the Gerards and the Monteros." He answered making me smile.

"It's a good thing that you guys are hanging out with them." I said "Are they bringing their kids or is it just you guys?" I asked "Just the parents." He said. "Mom's been upstairs for hours. I guess she's getting ready." I stated as I chuckled. My Mom's like a teenager getting ready for her first party whenever she and Dad goes out. "I can imagine that, kid." He replied as he laughed with me. "So..." He suddenly trailed off when we finally stopped laughing. I glanced at him and gave him a questioning look. "I met the so called bad boy." He said.

Did I hear him right? Did he say he met the bad boy? I choked before turning to look at him, giving him a look that clearly says what-the-actual-fuck? "What?" I voiced out making him chuckle. "He's something else." He said. He then, stood up and looked down at me. "I'm heading upstairs. I need to get ready." He added as he left me in sitting in the couch, gaping.

My Father... Why do I feel like he's the older version Cloud?

Stefan Meyer

I saw my beautiful wife sitting in front of the mirror and putting her pink lipstick on. "You look beautiful." I said as I went to where she sat and placed a kissed on top of her head. "And you should shower. You smell, sweetie." I rolled my eyes. I hate the pet names that she gives. It's annoying but I love her, nonetheless. She wouldn't be her if she doesn't give me those. She stood up, giving me a full of view of what she was wearing. It was a red fitted strapless dress paired with nude heels. "Can we ask Skit to sleep over in one of her friend's house?" I asked with a groan making my wife giggle in response. "Or we could just, I don't know, not go home until tomorrow?" She asked. I stepped forward, wrapped my arm around her waist before leaning down to nip her ear. "I like the sound of that." I growled. She pushed me off as she smirked. "Take a shower and then get dress." She ordered.


"Jen!" My wife shouted when he saw Chris' wife before hugging her. "My gosh, Georgia, you look stunning!" Jennifer or simply Jen, replied. "Chris." I said while smiling at him. "Girls are so..." He said as he looked at his wife and mine's. They're talking about TV shows and whatnot. "I know. Where's Vincent?" I asked before moving my gaze to him. "They're going to be a little late but they'll come." He said as we took a seat across each other. "So, my son has a bad boy image?" He inquired. Chris has been my best friend since the day I learned how to walk so it's pretty safe to say that I know when he's not satisfied with something. "Does it matter if he does? He gets perfect grades, Christian. I think that's enough." I said.

Christian stared and gave me a glare. He probably thinks he can intimidate me with that. Don't get me wrong, Christian and I are a lot closer than Vincent and he could ever be. We're literally the best of friends but sometimes he can be a bit of a control freak. And I hate it. "Yes, it does. I don't want my son to be the bad boy. I want him to be the role model of the students in Seton High." He answered "And you wonder why your son's so distant. You want him to be the perfect kid. You try to control him. Teenagers don't like that, Chris." I said. "He's the Mayor's son." He countered, I can see that he's starting to get pissed at me but who gives a shit? He's wrong and he knows it, he just doesn't want to accept it. "And he doesn't have to act like it because he's not the Mayor's son. He is who he is." I answered. When he was about to open his mouth to respond, I beat him to it. "Do you know what my daughter said about him? Do you want to know?" I asked, I didn't bother waiting for him to respond to that question.


"How's school?" Georgia asked Skit as we ate. I heard my daughter groan making me turn to look at her with my eyebrows raised. "Just some kid, he asked if you guys were high when you named me." That actually made me crack a smile. People assumed that when we named Skit we were high because who exactly in their right mind would name their daughter Skittles? "Who is this kid?" I asked "You don't want to know." She muttered while pouting "Please do tell, Skit. We want to go to that kid and tell him that yes, Skit's parents were high when they named her." My wife said in a teasing manner.

"He's the school's bad boy." She replied. Georgia and I made eye contact and from the way that she bit her lip, I'd say she's excited. "Really? What kind is he?" Skit's eyes flashed with curiosity. "Well, he's the kind of bad boy who gets good grades and is never seen with a girl although I know that the reason why he's never seen with one is because he prefers college girls, I think." She replied, unsure of what she just said. "Aw! That's so cute!" My daughter's mother gushed. Yeah, daughter's mother. "Bad boy, huh? Did I get to arrest him?" I inquired as I snorted. "That's what makes him legendary. He does illegal stuff but he never gets arrested. Not once did he ever get caught." She replied with admiration shining in her eyes. "Who is he?" Georgia asked "Cloud Montero." She answered. "The Mayor's son?" I asked and she nodded. "Stay away from him if he's what you say who he is." I said. "Nah, I don't think I will." She answered making me turn and give her a glare.

"Cloud's a bad boy, yes, that's true but the students of Seton High doesn't mess with him because they're scared. It's because they respect him. Yeah, maybe some of the kids fear him but that's it, just some. He's the bad boy because he smokes - and I'm not gonna specify what kind - he gets into fights and does things that normal bad boys do but he also manages to get good grades and he protects the kids who gets bullied. He's respected not because he's the Mayor's son. He's respected because of what he does, despite of his title and what others might think."


"Students respect him, Christian. Not because he's your kid but because of who he is and what he does."


Sorry it took this long for me to update. I just wanted to let you see what Cloud's Dad think of him and what Skit's Dad's opinion of who Cloud is. So, yeah.

Next chapter I'll discuss about Skit's and Seb's childhood and how she ended up falling for him. I know, I know, the next chapters are pretty much filler chapters but we kinda have to understand where it came from. I'm trying to establish a background for everything that's going through in the life of my characters.

Charlie's and Cloud's are done, Val, Skit and Seb aren't but like I said, the next Chapter are Skit's and Seb's so hopefully, after that Val's will be next.

I hope you guys would bear with me through all of this. After Val's, I'm pretty much going to return to normal but I don't know, I'm thinking of giving you guys a much detailed past of Cloud. So, yeah. That's about it.

Thanks for reading this chapter!


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