The First Villain

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 I was inspired by two other stories


Two amazing stories that I really enjoyed and inspired me to make this story.

You can all tell me what villains you want to see in this story but first I'm going to use my most favorite Disney character of all time.

Hades and his minions' Pain and Panic had no idea how they went from being in the cold, dark, and gloomy underworld to this luxurious place.

Hades blinked as in front of him were three dead bodies. "Oh good, we have some dead ones." Hades looked around for their souls but couldn't find them. "Search around boys."

"Yes sir." The imps saluted before turning into hounds and start sniffing around.

Hades found the front door and got a good look at the house if you can even call it that. This place was huge. Bigger than a mansion but smaller than a castle. "Oh, this is nice." Hades grinned as he saw it was in a very private location too, surrounded by a huge gate.

"Hades!!" Panic ran in panicking.

"What?" Hades glared at the small imp annoyed.

"We found a live one!" Panic pointed.

"Oh great." Hades groaned before going in to see Pain was talking to a couch.

"Guys, have I fried your brains too much again? That's called a sofa, not a mortal. Dimwits." But he saw someone slowly peek out from behind the sofa. "Ah, I see, hey you come out."

The figure hesitated.

"I said come out, you know what I'm saying."

"Will you hurt me?" The human asked.

"Not if you don't give me a reason too." Hades shrugged.

The figure slowly crawled out from behind the sofa and Hades couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful with long dark brown hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. However, something was off. She was wearing clothes that barely covered her body, a very short skirt, a top with no sleeves that showed off her extra thin stomach, and was wearing shoes that had to be ten-inch heels. Hades raised his brow as he gave into her appearance not sure what to make of her.

"Boss." Pain pointed to the bloody knife the girl had in her hand.

Hades looked back at the bodies and then back at the girl. "You do this?"

"I had to." She said softly. "There were gonna hurt me again."

Hades got down to her level, she looked older but was clearly younger. "Again?"

She nodded.

"I don't see any bruises on you." Hades observed.

"Mother said I need new lips." She answered. "I don't like getting new things, they hurt."

Hades looked at his minions who were just standing there watching.

"What do you mean by new?" Hades asked.

She pointed to her nose, hips, stomach, and chest. "Father makes me sleep and when I wake up I have new things and they hurt." She then took his hand which surprised the God as she led him upstairs to a hallway that goes on and on for probably miles. Hades didn't say anything, he just looked around the fancy place with the imps behind him, all they really did wonder is how she can walk so well in those shoes.

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