Chapter 30: Snow

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"Ciara," Jon whispered, his expression turning happy.

I ran into his arms and sobbed to my heart's content. I was in the arms of my family again. The moment I had waited for. My brother is here with me...

"You're alive," he said softly, holding me closely.

"You are, too," I replied as I felt his embrace tighten slightly, as if he felt I was an illusion and needed assurance that I was standing in front of him.

"I haven't seen you in so long," he said right before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I pulled back slightly to look at him. He maintained roughly the same facial structure since I had last seen him, but he looked weathered, as if he had been through war and lived to tell the tale.

"Where did you get all of those dreadful facial scars?"

"I got them all on separate occasions. Long story."

"Who is this, my king?" an older gentleman asked from behind. Why was Jon being referred to as 'My King'?

"This is Ciara, my eldest half-sister. Ciara, this is Ser Davos Seaworth," Jon said, introducing us.

I remembered the name Seaworth from when I was eighteen. He was among the lords that led the attack on the Blackwater. I won't mention how I know him. I don't want to bring up such a thing.

"House Seaworth?" I asked.

"You wouldn't know it, my lady."

"Wait, why are you traveling south with a small force? Isn't Sansa going to attack the Bastard of the Dreadfort?"

"The fighting ended. Sansa and I won," Jon informed me.

"What about Rickon?"

Jon hesitated. My heart instantly sunk to my feet. He didn't even need to say a word, the silence told me everything I needed to know.

"Gods, why? He was just a boy," I said softly, Jon comforting me.

"Ramsay paid the price for what he did, I promise you," my brother assured me.

The procession, along with Grim Mite, walked as Jon supported me. I felt light headed. Rickon. Sweet, baby Rickon. I remember when he was born, I was so attached to him. I took care of him every chance I had. He was such a happy and energetic baby. How could someone do such a thing to him? I'm glad Ramsay is dead, though. He deserved the most painful death possible.

"Is he buried by the rest of our family?"

Jon nodded solemnly.

"Good. He'd want to be there," I said softly.

As we travelled down the road, we drew closer to the Crownlands. I was nervous, but I knew that Jon and Grim Mite would protect me. However, the wrath of the Lannisters is a powerful force, and one would be a fool to underestimate it.

We were going towards Dragonstone, since that is the place where Daenerys is planning her conquest of King's Landing. I wasn't aware that she had left, but I hadn't been keeping correspondence with Tyrion or anyone else in her court. How can you receive a letter when you're constantly on the move?

The She-Wolf of King's Landing • OC x Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now