Chapter 2

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Stiles could hear the sounds of Deaton explaining things to his father. The voices were muffled by the floor between them, but Stiles could tell that the Sheriff was a little angry and a lot confused.

Stiles was upstairs in his room as Deaton talked to Noah downstairs. He curled in on himself as he listened to the Sheriff's voice through the floor. The fear of telling his father had come back and was attacking him with thoughts of his father disowning him and yelling at him for being so foolish.

So when he heard the sounds of scuffling downstairs and feet stomping up to Stiles' room, he curled himself tighter. His bedroom door slung open and he prepared for the worst, but then something unexpected happened. Noah was kneeling beside his son with his arms wrapped around him- pulling him as close as humanly possible.

"Stiles, I may not know everything about this werewolf stuff yet, but I hope you know I'll never not love you. You are my son and I wouldn't trade that for the world."

Stiles could feel tears dropping out of his own eyes as well as little spots of heat on his shoulder. He had so rarely seen his father cry that he was torn between crying with him, hugging him, or taking weird pride in the fact that Sheriff Stilinski was crying over a baby. He settled on turning and wrapping his arms around his dad.

Noah let out the tiniest of laughs as a thought came to him. "You know, this isn't such a bad thing for me. I mean, when you told me you were gay I lost all hope of being a grandpa, but now...."

Stiles laughed a bit with him. His father had had to endure so much with having Stiles for a son. First it was the supernatural my-best-friend-since-diapers-is-a-werewolf thing, then it was coming out as bisexual, and then it was realizing he had only ever had a crush on Lydia but no other girls, so he wasn't really bi. It was like straight men to Ryan Reynolds; Lydia was just too amazing to not like. Eventually he realized it may have been infatuation and the fact that she was just very pretty, but he eventually just saw her as a good friend or even a sister.

He had kept in generally good contact with his friends while they were away to college, so he was going to have to call Lydia and Scott at some point. Stiles himself should've been in college, but Derek had convinced him to not go as to stay with him. A foolish mistake on Stiles' part.

After a few moments of hugging and Stiles's ADHD brain not giving him one second of rest, Noah pulled away from the hug. He wiped his tears away with his hand and then reached out to do the same to his son's face.

"I'm assuming you were gone for a reason, and that reason means you're not going to want to stay in Beacon Hills? "

Stiles nodded along to the Sheriff's words.

"Well kid, Deaton and I are gonna talk for a bit to figure stuff out while we eat, okay? You come on down and join us so you two can explain a little more together. "

Only after Noah had stood up and put out a hand to help Stiles up did he notice a slightly sweaty Deaton watching from the doorway.


"Okay so, " Stiles's sentence paused as he chewed, "I don't really understand how this whole thing works, and Dad already assumed that I'm gonna be staying out of town, so yeah. "

As he paused to take another bite, Noah leaned over the table to wipe up little pieces of pizza that had been spewed from Stiles'mouth as he spoke.

"Well Stiles, I'm going to have to do a little more research, but I assume it will go like most werewolf pregnancies. You carry the baby for five months and then it's normal from there. Except for, you know, the werewolf thing. I'm going to make some calls to some friends of mine who've had experience with this so they can give me some advice on it as well. But everything mainly relies on you, Stiles. "

"Why do you always go on these long evasive spiels when you're explaining something to do with the supernatural? Like, it's life or death here and you won't give us a straight answer. "

Dr. Deaton simply chose to ignore the question and move on. "Mr. Stilinski and I can lend you a bit of money to help you get on your feet wherever you choose to live, but you will have to give me an address so I can do check-ups. I'll have to make sure the pregnancy goes well, that you're safe during the birth, and I'll of course have to check in afterwards as well. I know that it may seem excessive, but I don't know if things will go differently for a birth that doesn't include a female. You could call if needed and I'll be there to check up on you every month. ......Stiles? "

Out of the multiple pizzas they had cooked in the oven, Stiles had downed about two by himself. He usually had an appetite, but never this big of one.

"Ah yes, werewolf babies eat a lot while they're in the stomach, so expect to be eating more than usual. "

As Stiles shoved the last bite of his pizza slice into his mouth, he looked up at Deaton. "Wait, did you say I'm only gonna be pregnant for five months?"

"Well yes, werewolf pregnancies are shorter than othe-" Deaton's sentence was put on hold as Stiles rushed to the bathroom. Not so pleasant sounds followed. Noah got up and followed his son to make sure he was alright.

Deaton knew he would be fine and would come back to the table only to begin stuffing his face with pizza again. Stiles probably wouldn't throw up again, so at least he and the baby would get some food.

He would be spending more money than wanted on food, but werewolf babies eat a lot while they're forming. They need so much food because they grow so quickly. Deaton had heard from his friends about someone like Stiles- their stomach barely had a little pudge from the baby because the baby helped heal their body.

Stiles would barely have a bump to worry about and all he would be doing is eating extra since werewolves had a sped up aging process while in the womb.

While Deaton was thinking over details for Stiles's future, Stiles was thanking whatever gods he could that his pregnancy was only five months.


1129 words

Last updated October 9th, 2022

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