Chapter 1

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Stiles was crying; there was no doubt that the hot streams of liquid rolling down his face were tears. He had loved someone who only wanted him for sex. Derek had been meeting up with Stiles and taking him on secret "dates" for over a year. And Stiles was tired of it.

Everytime they had sex, it was in a hotel room. Derek would never let Stiles sleep at his place. Everytime Stiles woke up, it was to empty sheets- and Stiles was done. He was done being Derek's plaything. So he left. He wasn't going back. He didn't care if it meant sleeping in his car for a few days; he just wanted out of Beacon Hills.


Stiles woke up curled in the blanketed front seat of his car. The light shining onto his face from the window made it hard to sleep. But Stiles knew he was going to have to move his car once he realized the light was a flashlight and there was yet another cop outside his window.

He had been sleeping in his car for under a week and still had yet to find a full night of rest. The cops in the town he was in seemed to have something against people sleeping in their cars. But that was probably because it was illegal.

Stiles already had several tickets that he was going to have to find a way to pay off. The only money he had with him was some extra stuff he kept in his car for gas.

However, this time after Stiles drove away from his spot, his stomach twisted. He pulled over his car, flung open the door, and raced to the edge of the road to throw up. Stiles's body shook as he made his way back to his car and checked the time on his phone. 4:17 in the morning. It was a one hour drive back to Beacon Hills, and even though he was worried about running into Derek, Deaton only worked in one place.

Stiles didn't know what prompted him call Deaton instead of a regular doctor, (hmm, maybe medical bills that he couldn't afford) but he pulled his phone from the dashboard of his car and made the call. The moment Deaton picked up the phone he sounded worried. Apparently Mr. Stilinski knew he was probably gone because of some issue with his secret boyfriend and hadn't bothered to raise a fuss. Deaton had immediately become worried when he found out that Stiles and Derek had a physical relationship. Stiles tucked his phone between his shoulder and ear as he made his way back to Beacon Hills at Deaton's request.


"Stiles, I need you to lay down on the table in the back." Deaton's first words when Stiles walked into the Vet's clinic sounded oddly panicked. Stiles didn't understand why Deaton could possibly be panicked. It's five in the morning and he hasn't had a full night's sleep in a while and now he's back in his hometown. If anything, Stiles should be the one panicking. He should be quivering in fear of his Alpha ex-boyfriend who had a history of murder, but Stiles did as he was told and made his way to the table.

Deaton was rushing around grabbing items and equipment for whatever he was about to do.

"Uh, Deaton?"

"Yes Stiles?"

"What do you need all that for? All I said was that I was throwing up and now you're acting like something inside of me is about to explode. "

"Stiles, you called me because you remembered that being in a physical relationship with an Alpha can keep you from getting sick, right? And you were wondering if illnesses would attack you all of a sudden because of lack of physical connection? Well I fear something else may have happened because of it. "

Stiles could feel sweat pooling on his palms. "What do you think happened that's got you so worried?"

"Well Stiles, I've personally never seen it before, but I have heard of it. It mostly happens with Alphas because they are the leaders of a Pack. It's very rare, but Derek is a strong Alpha so I'm just taking precautions. "

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