Chapter 5

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After Stiles had grabbed a bowl of cereal for dinner, he headed back upstairs to his computer. He played on his phone while he ate and sat the bowl aside when he was finished.

It was around 7:30, so he really hoped that Scott was still awake. Stiles began setting up his computer for a video chat and only hoped that he wasn't making himself nervous for nothing.

He reached into the drawer beside his desk and pulled out a nerf gun. He had done this once before when they were in Sophomore year and he wanted to do it again for memories.

Stiles had the gun pointed at the screen as he clicked the call button. It rang for a few seconds before Scott answered it. Stiles only took one second to recognize the fact that he answered on a cell phone before-

"Pew pew pew! Hey Scotty. "

"Stiles?" Yep, Scott definitely still had that voice crack that appears when he's surprised. "Stiles! Everyone has been looking for you for weeks! Where are you? "

Stiles let our a small smile at his best friend's worry. "I moved and got a place of my own. Don't you think if I was actually missing my dad would be all over it? "

There was a moment of silence as realization crossed over Scott's face.

"I suppose that makes sense. But Stiles, we've all been so worried and no one has heard from you in over a month. ISAAC, STILES IS ON THE PHONE! And I have some news for you if you're sure you haven't been kidnapped. "

Stikes chuckled along to Scott being Scott. "I think I have some pretty big news too, but I can't tell you yet. I'm waiting a few months to reveal the surprise. "

"I bet my surprise is better."

"Bullshit, my surprises are always better."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too! I'm offended you could even think yours is better. "

"Yeah? Well- Isaac! You have to come here babe! I have no doubt this is the biggest surprise if all time. Oh, and I'll call Derek once-"



"Don't even say his name. I want nothing to do with him. "

Stiles had kind of killed the happy mood, but he did not want Derek knowing anything about him. "Some stuff went down, okay? I don't wanna talk about him ever again. "

"Okay okay, got it. Don't bring it up, alrighty. Isaac! How long can it possibly take you to get up one flight of stairs?"

Isaac slid into view on Scott's screen as he came up to hug Scott. "Well I could've been here faster if you had just come to me. After all I'm the one who's-"

"SHHH,'ll spoil the surprise. " Scott took a breath to prepare himself. "So this is gonna sound really weird and unbelievable, but apparently it happens a lot with werewolves. It usually is just Alphas, but there's something crazy that can happen to an Alpha's mate. So, um.....even though Isaac isn't a girl, we kind of got, um-"

Isaac popped his head up from its place on Scott's shoulder. "What Scott is trying to say is-"


Stiles wasn't sure if what he had heard was correct. "Uh, could you try doing that in more than one breath?"

"Isaac is.....pregnant?"

"Oh. Wow. That's, um, that's. Wow. "

"I know it's hard to believe-"

"No no, I get it. I'm super happy for you guys, I'm just kinda shocked. Wow. How many months?"

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