Restless Nights

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It was well after midnight as Maxi once again found herself unable to fall asleep. She tossed and turned in her own private tent among a multitude of other tents. The wizards' tents were close but separate from the knights' camp in case any spells or potions went wrong so that the consequences could be contained to one campground.

Her body was exhausted from traveling and using her mana to heal those who were injured during yesterday's monster attack. But her mind, her mind was wide awake. Her thoughts as usual drifted to her husband.

Was he getting enough to eat? Was he sleeping well, if at all? Unlikely. She missed him so much that she wanted to scream into her pillow in frustration. He was less than a hundred yards away in the knights' camp, but he might as well have been a thousand miles away considering how cold and distant he had been acting. She knew that their time apart while she studied at the World Tower had hurt him but him actively keeping his distance from her after being separated for so long shattered her heart and suffocated her soul.

She decided that perhaps getting a drink of water would help her fall asleep. She threw on a long thick robe to stave off the frigid winter air and slid on a pair of warm slippers.

Before exiting her tent, she noticed the shadow of a tall figure standing just outside the entrance to her tent. Was she so lost in thought that she had not noticed that someone had approached her tent?

She cautiously poked her head out and saw Yulysion standing just outside the tent flaps. The young knight swayed a little and his eyelids drooped slightly. She saw him attempt and fail to fight off a sleepy yawn.

"Sir Lavar, is everything alright?" Maxi whispered so as not to wake the others in her camp or startle the young man.

Despite keeping her voice soft and quiet the drowsy knight jumped out of his skin as her words broke through the calm silence of the night.

"My lady!" the young knight exclaimed.

She brought a slender finger to her lips silently signaling him to quiet down.

"Sir Calypse," the knight whispered, "instructed me to watch over her ladyship's tent. He understands you are likely very safe surrounded by your fellow wizards but after yesterday's attack he wanted to take every precaution to ensure your safety."

Her heart warmed a little at the thought of her husband's overprotective nature. At the same time, she felt a pitiful knot twist in her stomach. Poor Yulysion was going to have to stand guard all night and would be exhausted the following day. Maxi felt disheartened; she wished that if Riftan wanted her to be safe he would have asked her to stay in his tent. She knew that the safest place she could be was in his loving arms. When Riftan held her in his strong embrace, she knew that nothing on earth stood a chance of hurting her.

She asked, "If he is concerned, why don't I go and sleep in his tent? If he is watching over me then you could get some much-needed rest."

Yulysion's face fell, "You must think I am incapable of protecting you, my lady. I know I am nowhere near as strong as Lord Calypse but I promise you my lady I would gladly lay down my life if- "

"I never said that," she said with a slight laugh at his sincere but overdramatic declaration. "As a Remdragon Knight you are highly skilled and certainly more than capable of protecting me. My concern is that you will be exhausted in the morning. I am not disregarding your abilities, but simply concerned for your health."

Yulysion brightened immediately at her praise. He also knew better than to try to argue with the lady. Over the last week she had won multiple arguments with the Commander. She was truly a force, not to be underestimated. He hoped he would never be on the receiving end of her fury.

He relented and helped the lady carry a couple blankets and a pillow to the Lord's tent. Riftan's tent was centered in the middle of the knights' small camp. He typically would have had a tent just large enough for him to sleep in, but the war required him to have a large tent where emergency meetings could be held if necessary.

Entering his tent, she noticed it had simple furnishings. A small table with half a dozen wooden chairs cramped around it. Further in there was a simple rug leading to his sleeping quarters. His bed was large but not as big as their bed back at Anatol. It was likely just big enough to hold her husband's massive frame. His tent was vacant as he was still in a late-night strategy meeting in another tent with the other military leaders and the knights from the Holy Temple of Osyria.

She thanked Yulysion and bid him goodnight. He assured her he would get some rest. The Commander's tent was surrounded by the tents of the other Remdragon Knights who would not let any harm befall the lady. She was safe and Riftan would likely be back soon.

Maxi had to resist the strong urge to fling herself onto her husband's bed and stretch out on his blanket, drowning herself in his scent. She quickly looked around for an alternative, hoping she would not have to sleep on the floor. There was a small love seat with a wooden frame at the far side of his sleeping quarters that would have to suffice. She laid out her blankets, making it as comfortable as possible.

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