Chapter 1

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I looked at my dad confused on whats happening. I looked up to see him and mommy crying while sissy is sleeping in the bed. Nothing was said it was just silence. "Why are ywou crying..? Sissy sleeping?" I asked them confused. Mommy looked at me with a different look in her eyes. It was anger i know that look all too well. Before she could say anything daddy interrupted her. "How about you go in the hallway and sit on the chair. I will talk to mommy alright my angel..?" I nodded and followed his instructions. From outside all i could hear was yelling saying these things.

"Its her fault that Piper(Daughter's Name) died!"

"It isn't her fault we all knew that her sickness was getting worse."

"But still if we didnt spend money to adopt her we would still have piper!"

"...she will never REPLACE MY DAUGHTER! I don't care about that brat all i want is Piper back!"

"Amanda listen i know you miss Piper i do too but this is what she wanted. She wanted us to take care of this girl who became her sister."


I was in deep thought hearing that argument I didn't even notice i was crying. I looked as a doctor picked me up suddenly. "Are your parents in the room?" He asked as he pointed to the room. I nodded softly and he pat my head. "I will inform them about what happened but for now come with me to the childrens ward i need to see if I'm correct." The doctor smiled a warm and comforting smile. I nodded and he brought me to a spare room in the ward. "Okay little one how have you been feeling lately..." He asked me. "Hav hurt in cwest when bweathe and i nwo twell anyone but sissy but ne throw up." I looked up to see him writing it down, I continue speaking. "Me haven't been feel like eating and tired...and can't bweathe well it hurt." He nodded and wrote that down aswell. "Okay little one thank you for telling me that. I'm gonna do some exams and let a nurse tell your parents alright?" I nodded at his words, he smiled and pat my head. "I will be back little one stay here." I nodded as he left the room. In the room was 2 chairs and a bed which i was sitting on. There was a sink with laptop and chair. I saw some pictures on the wall.




I was tired of waiting, it felt like forever that i been in this room. The doctor kept checking my body before mumbling something. I asked him but he just told me not to worry about it. I nodded and played with a stuffed kissy plushie. After a bit i saw mommy and daddy walk into my room. I stayed silent and watched them carefully. "What's happening with her..?" Mommy asked the doctor. Daddy nodded wanting to know the same thing. I hugged the plushie tighter to me knowing the news won't be good. The nice doctor sighed before talking.

"You're daughter has pneumonia. You're other daughter also had it hence why she...passed away suddenly."

Elliott's Daughter (Poppy Playtime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now