favorite color

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A/N: y'all I love writing in Aiden's POV :)) <3

set through the time between song of death and tree of wishes!

Aiden's fishing through keychains with 'I LOVE GA' in all colors of the rainbow.

"Aiden! I got it!" He turned to Aru, looking up to him and grinning, holding a sunflower-yellow keychain saying 'you rock ꨄ︎.'

"I also got one for everyone else! Purple for Mini, blue for Brynne, pink for Hira, and I got one for my mom too!" She held them all up, and they sparkled in the bright, artificial yellow lights in the store.

None for me, he thought distantly. Aru made him feel, well, strange. Usually if Brynne would get stuff like this, he'd give a hard pass. 

So why did he care that much if Aru didn't get him one?

"And, I, uhm, got one for you. Your favorite color's green right?" Aru shyly held up one towards him, like a gift. Or a promise.

Something warm spreads throughout him as he smiles. He takes the keychain. "How'd you know my favorite color is green?"

"Oh!" Aru's cheeks turn slightly red. "Uh, Brynne told me. A while ago."

Aiden smiles and he feels his heart swell as his cheeks grow warm. 

"Thank you Aru." 

Aru smiles back at him before turning around to go get ice cream.

"Wait!" Aru turns back. "What's your favorite color, Shah?"

Her cheeks take on the slightest shade of pink as the neon yellow lights seem to illuminate her, shining on only her.

"It used to be green too." She ducks her head. "Now I think it's yellow."

yellow~~ Aru ShahWhere stories live. Discover now