Field trip (so cliché) part 3

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Peter heard Harley, MJ and Ned sniggering. On the 99th floor, he could literally hear all the avengers, Kate, Yelena and Morgan laughing. He went through the scanner while FRIDAY announced him with an amused tone. "Peter Parker-Stark, AKA Spider-Baby AKA the Wanted Intern™. Hello Petey-Pie, I heard about your field trip. It is quite amusing but I have to inform you that Boss, Boss Lady and The Cool Aunt™ have planned it together. Have a good tour!!!". As FRIDAY finished her monologue, Peter groaned. He didn't expect his aunt and mom to do something crazy like that, though he did expect it from his dad, who would take any effort he could to ensure that he could embarrass his son. The class, at the time, was in silence. Nothing from any of them. But Flash, being the dumb guy that he is, had to make a comment about how Pete had hacked into FRIDAY, exactly when he heard gasps from the 99th floor and he also heard an 'our Pete is getting bullied?!?!?!'... "No Flash, I'm not smart enough to hack into the world's most finest, bug-free AI. That's impossible." Peter replied. "Huh whatever..." scoffed Flash in reply. Harley was giving the tour very calmly. He kept glaring at the 'trash guy', as he called him. The one who bullied his lil bro. How dare he? His father must know about this. So he did it, while everyone was at the Avengers museum, he called Tony. The plan was starting to be executed. Peter was taking in the Avengers museum, he had never been to this part of the tower, he was always at either the R&D labs, the intern labs or his personal lab. So this was new to him. He roamed around, looking at the Iron Man and Black Widow exhibits. He had to give it to them, they were awesome, but not as awesome as the people who they were dedicated to. These people would literally give their lives to save the world or the universe. He saw the White Wolf exhibit, it also showed a fun fact about how his rank in the army was higher than Captain America's, as he was a Sergeant. Peter hid a laugh at that, he used this to benefit himself so many times, but that's another story [;)]. He was reading the Vision Exhibit when his eyes fell on something else, something far more interesting. There it stood, his first suit -no it's not a onesie, dad-. "Narcissistic much, loser?" MJ said fondly. "Nah, just looking at it. Hits me with nostalgia." He could hear Ned snickering quietly in the corner. "What?" Asked an amused Peter. Ned just laughed and pointed at the far end of the glass case.

11 facts about Spider-Man

1. He hates spiders.

2. He calls Black Widow "mother spider" in Russian.

3. He speaks English, Russian and Italian and is of Italian heritage.

4. He loves all the Avengers dearly.

5. He calls Iron Man "dad" in Italian when some else is around.

 6. He is stronger than Captain America and White Wolf.

7. Loki and Hela love him.

8. He has something of a 6th sense which warns him on the upcoming danger, don't try to creep up on him, even Black Widow didn't succeed.

9. He believes in 2nd chances.

10. He is kind, compassionate and overall a cinnamon roll.

11. He hates anything peppermint, a true spider™

MJ and Ned were dying of laughter. This was too hilarious for any one of them to say anything while Peter was dying of embarrassment. "Enjoy nerds, this will be the closest you'll ever be to a Spiderman suit" Flash taunted. "You literally go to a school for nerds, which makes you one as well." Ned fired back. Since he'd been living with both Bruce and Hulk, he had learned self defence and had got more confident about himself. "Shut up, fatty" insulted Flash "Shut up, shorty" insulted back MJ, the tall goddess™. And that exact time, Peter heard shuffling from the vents 'Clint' he thought. But then he went back. 'Weird, oh, well, whatever nevermind' (hello, hello, hello, how low) (please get the ref)

Peter was really enjoying the tour, no more Flash jams cause Harley bad threatened him, no Avenger coming to embarrass him, it all seemed so normal...."Oh, hey guys, I'm Kate Bishop-" "-and I'm Yelena Belova" 'too soon thought, wasn't it?' "Oh, hey Pete!!!!" Kate said, mischievous smirks gracing both the girls' faces. "Hi" was all a dead inside™ and flustered Peter could mutter. "So Harls, there was a change in and because of the plan." Then she whispered something in the the said boy's ear and his face matched the girls'. 'This is not good, if he's smirking then this is bad, very very very very bad'. He looked around to see if anyone caught on what they said, he couldn't hear it, he was too busy thinking. "Ok guys, gals, non-binary and genderfluid pals, we are having a-guess what?- surprise Avengers Q/A!!!!!!!"Everyone cheered while the Golden Trio™ groaned. They made their way to the lift (elevator) and to the Q and A designated room.

They were all there. Peter, MJ and Ned's doom was here. They could smell it in the air. It was horrifying. "Hello Midtown, you know us, we know you, start the questions!!! Oh and btw, Hello Peter, MJ and Ned!!" The said 3 groaned while their mentors/secondary parents waved at them. This was bad. They answered many questions, very calmly (not the Dumbledore calm). They, at last, chose Flash, who was being scowled at menacingly by the Avengers, that went oblivious to him.

"Mr. Stark, I'm Flash, Flash Thompson. Do you all know Penis Parker over here? He's been saying, or, well, lying that he has internship with you. If you could please confiscate him and his lie, we could talk about giving me an internship, seeing that I am much smarter than Puny over here." Flash asked, spewing out shit from his mouth. He didn't notice anyone's burning face. Natasha and Yelena started sharpening there knives, Wanda's and Carol's eyes started glowing like hell, Kate Bishop and Clint Barton got their bows out and aimed well, Tony, Steve, Bucky got into their fighting stances with MJ leading them & Dr. Strange was all like *boom boom whoosh*. Pepper was plain angry, and you don't want her angry. Harley had his arms around Peter protectively, like a big brother. Thor and Loki looked ready to kill. Dr. Banner had green on his veins and eyes. "If you hurt my kid again, any of you, I will make sure that you won't even be able to get a job at McDonalds, you understand?" Tony threatened, very calmly.  The AcaDec team went away, except Ned, MJ and Peter. "You didn't have to do this for me, ya know..." Peter said. "Of course we did, you're our child, паук ребенок"

A/n: Im tired, byeee

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