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"oh taehyung! You're here son, I thought you wont come" Mr park exclaim as he stood up from his chair, arms wide open as he welcomes his step son in his mansion with a smile.

Taehyung smiles back, elegantly walking down the stairs which begin at the entrance gate and leads to the great hall a few feet below. He was wearing a casual black shirt tucked in brown pants with his hair curled. He knows he doesnt need to put any effort in getting ready because he ends up being the prettiest person in the room under any circumstances.

He watches his mother standing up at the sight of him, a wide smile forming on her face seeing her son after such a long while. She walks towards him eagerly and so does taehyung, embracing her in his petite arms as he greedily takes a puff of her motherly strawberry scent. He peeks through her shoulder and sees his stepdad standing right behind them, his hands on his back and a content smile on his face.

Taehyung and his mother, Kim son-hee pull apart and the omega bows to his father Park Jewson, getting a head pat in return making his ears go red in embarrassment as he whines out 'im not five!' making the two elders let out a short laugh.

The three of them take their seat on the huge, glass tainted dining table while taehyung and his mother talk about the random things with Jewson adding a few points and jokes here and there.

Taehyung absolutely adored his family, even though he wasnt blood related to Jewson, he loved him more than anything. The alpha never made him feel like he didnt belong here, in fact he was ready to place everything on taehyungs palm if the omega ever asked for it.

It was just that taehyung never asked. He never asked for anything more than 3 meals a day and a proper education. it always made Jewson feel like he wasnt doing enough.

But that was never the case, taehyung was simply too grateful and overwhelmed. The omega was way too thankful for Jewson for giving him and his mother a beautiful life, for dragging them out of the hell they were living in. taehyung always thought he was getting everything more than he deserves.

They were all chatting about different things until they heard another presence in the hall and the three of them turned their gaze towards the source of the noise.
There was park jinsong along with another alpha giggling and laughing carelessly while walking towards the table.

His mom and dad both stood up with a smile on their faces and taehyung remained seated until he felt sonhee nagging his arm with her elbow and he clenches his jaw, standing up nonetheless. He doesnt want to act like a spoiled brat right now nor does he want to create any drama. That is jinsongs job after all.

"sorry for the late dad, we got a little stuck. Also,this my boyfriend, jeno. I thought he can tag along cant he?" jinsong giggles and clutches on his boyfriends arm. Jewson did look a little taken aback but he nodded with a smile murmuring something positive in return which taehyung didnt hear because the omega was busy fuming.

No he fucking cant. This was supposed to be a family gathering not a fucking joke where you bring your sugar daddies.
taehyung wants to snap on the younger beta so bad but again, he wants things to go smoothly.

They all took their seats on the dining table and due to taehyungs badluck, that jeno guy was sitting right infront of him. He was already in a sour mood and the constant looks he was getting from the stranger alpha didn't help one bit. They were creeping him out and he really can't understand the reason behind those stupid smirks the brunette was throwing at him. The worst of all, Jinsong would cling over the brunette alpha every once in a while begging for attention and taehyung had to keep himself from throwing up at the sight of both of them smootching on the damned dining table.

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