Chapter 6

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Ok ok ok before we start id like to publicly apologise for my empty promises of a quick return, but more importantly id like to inform you that I've rewritten Chapter 4 because it was honestly so bad it prevented me from expanding on it... like at all. If i had the motivation id probably rewrite this whole shabang but motivation is a slimy fellow and i can only hold on for so long.

Moving on, and if you didn't read the first part read the next part because its IMPORTANT
Id STRONGLY advise you go back and read chapter 4 as i added a bunch more information and just tried my best to improve it overall seeing as it was kinda a fundamental starting point for the plot of this story.
ANYWAY once you've done that enjoy the update I've been putting off for far too long.
Im really not full of surprises at this point.

Mikey's self awareness had seen better days. Infact it seemed to have reached an all time low as he sat infront of his extremely anxious looking friend.
The worst this was, that in hindsight, Mikey could think of several more tactful ways of going about obtaining the information. No this really wasnt a moment to be proud of but it was a moment none the less, and Mikey had to ride his mistakes like the skater dude he was.

However the pained expression on Sans' face was enough to send him spiralling into the second apologetic word vomit of the day. Things just kept getting better.

'Ah shit I'm sorry that was super insensitive. Genuinely sorry dude I don't know what i was thinking, don't answer if you don't want to. I understand if you want me to leave. More than understand really I'm so sorry. And stupid, so so stupid-'

'Mikey!' A voice snapped him out of his poorly timed spiral, idiot, this isn't about you!

'I'm not mad'

Mikey looked up to see the genuine look of assurance on Sans' face and answered it with one of hesitant relief.

'Im sorry dude' he said anyway, determined to get the point across, because he really was. Impulsiveness had a way of putting him in awkward situations. And as it turned out awkward situations made him impulsive. It was a vicious cycle he didn't see himself breaking anytime soon.

Sans sighed a laugh closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly 'dude its ok, id be curious too if my friend said the parents he never knew technically didn't exist'

'Yeah but- wait what?'

Mikey was ready to drown himself if the opportunity presented itself.

The the skeleton seemed shocked also at the slip up and chuckled nervously 'ha.. ha yeah i um yeah' he steadied his breathing as a determined looked flashed in his eye lights. Seeing this the turtle panicked slightly, even he knew pushing someone to talk about their crushing woes was a bad idea. He'd done enough damage already.

'Dude really you don't have to tell me-' Mikey tried to say before he was cut off.

'No. No i- i want to. Get it of my chest yeah? Maybe it wont seem as ribdiculous if I say out loud' Mikey appreciated the attempt at humour, but Sans' tone fell flat 'for as long as i can remember its just been Pap and I, though to be fair I don't remember anything much before I turned seven- whatever not important right now' Mikey begged to differ but stayed quiet 'as soon as i was old enough to really fully comprehend how- how wrong it all felt, that it definitely wasn't amnesia if no one else could remember where me and my brother had come from either, I hunted down any file i could think of. Anything i could manage to get my hands on possibly having information about my family, or lack there of. Birth certificates since being trapped down here, records of war survivors, monsters can live for a real long time, marriage certificates' Sans paused for a heartbeat 'death certificates. It took me months to go through. I skipped out on school as much as i could without raising too much suspicion, slipping our whenever i could risk it which wasnt all that hard seeing as... well'

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