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An alarm clock blared in your ears, each sharp blast louder than the one before. You groaned and slammed your fist on the snooze button, rolling over in your bed.

Birds chirped faintly outside the window as the sun shone through the dorm room. You wrapped your comforter around your head and gently sat up, glancing at your phone.

It was half-past ten and multiple notifications glowed beneath the time.

Sasha's name was followed by several long texts apologizing for losing you last night. Underneath those were a few messages from Rico and your group chat of hometown friends.

You reduced the brightness on your screen and opened Sasha's texts first. Truthfully, you didn't blame her; she was having fun and you had wondered off to get some space.

Your sleepy expression then turned sharp when you remembered the night.

The balcony boy's eyes bored into your mind, followed by a glimpse of his neck tattoo. The soft creases of his black uniform. The flame of his lighter.

The way he snapped at you. The delicate way he gripped a cigarette.

It sent an unfamiliar sensation up your spine.

Something was telling you to meet up with Sasha and talk about it. Your chats with her always felt therapeutic, and you were desperately craving guidance.

So you accepted her apologies and asked her to get coffee, which she immediately responded yes to.

A quick shower and a brisk walk to Founder's Cafe later, Sasha waved wildly at you from a table outside.

A smile graced your lips as you made your way to her and the two people in her company, all eyeing you down as you walked closer.

Sasha yelled in delight as she hugged you tightly, partially knocking the wind out of you.

"Let me buy your drink," she pleaded, still gripping you, "the least I can do for being dumb and not sticking by you last night."

You breathed a constricted 'okay' and she let go of you to go buy your drink. Taking a seat next to the girl at the table with her, you set your bag down and looked across from you.

Sitting there was a man that you also recognized, from your sociology lecture. You eyed his silver eyebrow piercing while he was distracted typing away at his phone. You couldn't quite place his name, but his angular face and dark man-bun was undeniably familiar.

"Eren," the girl next to you spoke, the guy flicking his eyes up from his phone to her.

You turned your attention to the girl, her dark hair catching your eye. These two look like a picturesque indie movie couple, you thought. Intimidating, but in a hot way.

"Move your feet," the girl commanded, motioning to Eren's shoes on the chair adjacent to him, "she's already coming back."

"Sorry mom," he muttered, shifting his feet to the floor.

Sasha grinned and sat down, a sizable chocolate chip muffin in her grasp. Taking an oddly-placed bite from the very top, she motioned to Eren and the girl.

"Mmfg-," she swallowed, "meet Eren and Mikasa. My friends from chem lab. They were both here already so we're just crashing their date."

You greeted them and introduced yourself apologetically, Eren's eyes lighting up. "I know you!" he exclaimed, pointing, "Sociology, right? My friend Jean in there thinks you're hot."

Your face felt warm and you laughed. Who the hell was Jean? You didn't recall meeting him.

"Who?" you responded, emphasizing your confusion.

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