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"Shut the hell up." Sasha gasped as she stared intently at the new contact on your phone.

You simply stared at her, lips pressed together tightly. Mikasa and Eren crowded right beside her, both of their mouths agape in disbelief.

"You have got to be joking," Mikasa muttered as she shoved the loose hair out of her eyes. 

It was Tuesday, and the four of you were at Founder's Coffee once again. You sipped gingerly on a mint lemonade as the trio stared at your screen like it was the eighth wonder of the world.

"Have you..?" Eren asked cautiously.

"Texted? God no," you replied. Truthfully, you didn't have the courage to. After all, Levi said to only contact him if you had planned on walking alone again. 

"I can't believe he even.. I don't get it," Mikasa said, exasperated. 

"What's so odd?" you inquired, "Just because he's kind of an ass doesn't mean he has no common decency. He walked a girl home at night, any good guy would do that."

"It's not the walking, it's the number," Mikasa stated. 

You quirked your brow in anticipation. 

"He's literally like, my second cousin or something. At the family reunions and everything. I don't even have his number," she confessed, pulling out her phone and opening her contact list. She scrolled to the letter 'L' and sure enough, there was no Levi.

"I'm just gonna.." she trailed, copying the number from your phone into hers. 

"Mikasa I swear if you text him about this I am going to have a riot," you warned as you gripped your straw tightly.

"Even besides the number, I can't believe that Levi walked you home and had like, an entire conversation with you. 'Back to the kitchen' is hilarious. I didn't think that prick had a funny bone in his body," Sasha voiced.

Your face reddened at the memory of that sentence. For a relatively quiet guy, he had a way of utilizing his words to their maximum potential. 

"Reader you have to text him," Eren pleaded, still hung up on the idea of your message to him. You shook your head immediately, a string of the word 'no' flying out of your mouth. 

"I'm not going to be needing a walking chaperone anytime soon, thanks" you stated, nibbling your straw between your teeth. Bite marks decorated its edge, and you realized you'd been biting down on it for the last few minutes. 

"He's the most uptight, annoying man I've ever met here," Sasha said, "So even if you did text him I assure you that his response would be either short and dry, or nothing at all." 

You nodded in agreement, confident that she was right in her assumption. Your last few encounters with him all had some redeeming moments, but mainly consisted of blank statements and stoic glances in your direction. He didn't exude warm, text-you-back energy whatsoever.

"I still think you should," Eren stated, "Just to see what happens: who knows? From what Mikasa said I'm guessing that he might secretly want you to. But maybe it's just me thinking like a man."

The conversation wrapped up naturally over time, the four of you eventually waving goodbye to head to classes. You were heading to the library, since your two Tuesday classes took place in the early hours of the day.

Upon entering the library, you were pleased to find your favorite desk empty. Although, an indescribable longing crept inside you at the lack of Levi's presence, and you found yourself looking around during your study session just to see if he was working in some far corner of the building.

The sun had eventually started to go down, which bathed your skin in a glowing yellow and orange light. It was going to be getting dark soon, and you basked in the golden light that was bound to melt into black and navy blue. It was because of this that you pulled out your phone and looked at your contacts once again, the letters 'L' 'E' 'V' and 'I' glowing intimidatingly on your screen. 

You mentally scolded yourself. It had been four days since he gave you this number, he probably had already forgotten that he had done it. You knew you should swipe his contact away and get back to your work; there were much more important things to do than talk to him. 

Yet, your finger tapped the message key and began to type instantaneously. 

'You busy?' you typed and deleted.

'Levi,' you typed and deleted.

'Hey waiter,' you typed and deleted immediately.

You dropped your phone on the desk and grabbed two fistfuls of your hair. God, why was this so hard? You counted to twenty, taking deep breaths in between each alternating number. You could do this, you just needed to relax.

Picking the device back up, you typed the word 'hey' and sent it before you could tell yourself not to. There was no going back now.

He texted back not even thirty minutes later, a curious 'who is this?' typed in response.

You debated on sending an alien emoji, instead opting to use your actual name.

You double texted, asking if he was busy.

Fifteen minutes later, a 'no why' graced your screen.

'would you happen to wanna go for a walk?' you typed and deleted. It was too formal, kind of needy. You needed something more casual.

'it's getting dark soon and i'm at the library alone,' you typed and sent.

'the sun's still out. leave.' he replied.

You rolled your eyes and set your phone down, regretting having texted him in the first place. Sina was close anyways, you knew that. You had just been looking for an excuse to see him. You just needed to focus on the work that you were supposed to be doing.

Not even five minutes later, you heard the doors next to your desk open. 

And it was exactly who you had wanted it to be.

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