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"I can't do this," you said to yourself in the mirror, "I literally can't do this."

"Reader listen to me," Sasha urged as she grabbed your arm, "You're going. It's been like a month of you two going on these daily walks and you hate walking. Hate it. But you keep going, why?"

"Because he's attentive, and smart, and he makes me feel safe at night," you stated, "He's also very attractive. Insanely. Sasha he's so good looking I don't know what to do."

"Here's what you do: you go. You have fun. You make moves. You report back to me. I know he's into you, and you are the one glimpse I have into this dude's psyche. You're going."

"How do you know he's into anything? He didn't say this was a romantic date. God I can't even think straight," you rambled as you tugged on your dress.

"Ever since you two met, I swear to god he has been more bearable. He's given me almost no trouble in the last month. He even let me edit the script for our group's presentation. It has to be you," she stated, smoothing your hair back.

You turned and looked in the mirror, staring intently at your long, black dress. It featured a long slit down the side of your left leg that cascaded beside your dark shoes. The invitation said wear black, and this was your one option. You had worn this same outfit to your senior prom and brought it to college 'just in case' some formal event ever popped up. And that it did.

Your phone chimed on your desk and Sasha snatched it up before you could even look. 

"Levii," she practically sang. You frantically swiped for your phone but she dodged you expertly, weaving under your arms and leaping up onto Rico's bed. Thank god she wasn't here, otherwise she would've been slammed against a wall. 

"I'm gonna tell him you're absolutely shivering in anticipation for your hot date," she teased holding the phone just out of reach.

"Sasha I will kill you," you stressed, stumbling on your heels.

"I'd like to see you try." 

You snatched your phone back and opened the text from Levi.

'I'm outside.' It almost read like a threat.

Oh god, he was outside. As in, waiting for you outside. You felt the urge to count to one thousand.

"He's here," you stated apprehensively. Sasha sprung up from Rico's bed and climbed down with utmost urgency.

"You have your phone?" she questioned. You nodded.

"Wallet?" You nodded again.

"Taser?" You nodded once again.

"You excited?" You shook your head.

"Great, you're gonna have fun. It's a college formal, you'll be fine," she reassured, "What's it even for?"

"The invitation mentioned Alpha something something, I couldn't really read it because my hands were shaky," you replied.

Your phone pinged again. You were making him wait, and god knows he wasn't patient.

"I'm going to die," you uttered as you entered the hallway. 

"Have fun and be safe," Sasha said as she hugged you goodbye, "I'll be in your room if you need anything; give Annie the room to herself tonight."

You just waved goodbye and descended the elevator, every ticking floor number boosting your anxiety. You weren't sure why you were doing this. It seemed like yesterday when you hadn't even known this man and now you were attending a formal for him. Oh the things a beautiful man could make you do.

The doors to the elevator creaked open and you stepped out into the lobby, stopping in your tracks almost immediately.

There he was, black suit and tie, leaning against the wall and scrolling lazily on his phone. His attire was undoubtedly over the top for a frat formal, yet you realized that you didn't mind one bit. In his left hand he held some sort of flower, and you noticed that he had chosen to ditch his glasses today. A girl did a double take as she walked into the lobby like his presence were some cliché, meet-the-heartthrob movie scene. He tore his eyes from his phone to look at you, his expression unchanging as usual.

"About time. We're going to be late," he stated, pushing himself off the wall.

You got all dressed up for that? A snide remark about your punctuality? You started to regret even agreeing to this in the first place.

He approached you and gently grabbed at your wrist, mimicking the exact form he used on your walk earlier today. Only this time, in lieu of an envelope, he placed a single, white flower stem in your palm and tightened your fingers around it.

"Pretty," he stated. You weren't sure whether he was referring to you or the flower, but you decided to accept the compliment regardless. It was easier that way.

You thanked him and headed towards the exit, missing the sound of footsteps alongside you. You turned around and raised an eyebrow at him, noting the spaced way he was staring. "You coming?"

He snapped out of his blank stare and caught up, holding the door open for you when you stepped outside. 

He had gotten distracted looking at you, you realized.

selfish [levi ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now