The Young Shield Hero and Dagger Hero

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A/N: I ended up changing Philia from being a Ninja Hero, to a Treasure Hunter Hero (I did think about making it the Thief Hero, but I thought it would be a very bad idea). Along with her outfit. The reason for this change is after watching some of the episodes of the second season. I also changed the top half of the readers armor. So you might have to go back to the bio if I'm not able to show them here.)

A/N: Hey it's future me.... so after some time, I started to realize how stupid the name, Treasure Hunter Hero, was so I changed it to the Dagger Hero. Now there already fanfictions of the Dagger Hero in it and I was hoping to make something different for a change, but couldn't.

YN is seen sleeping peacefully in his room as he was having an odd dream.

Dream World
YN is seen sitting near the edge of a cliff while wearing some kind of Knight's Chest, Arms and Boots. He also had a shield attached to his arm as it covers his entire forearm and bit of his elbow. As he watched the waves from the cliff, an orange ball landed next to his feet. He looks back to see a young girl, a bit older than him, with long brown hair and a pair of brown Raccoon ears and tail. YN picks up the ball and walk up to the girl. She also walks up to him. Once they were in front of each other, YN hands the ball to her. She accepted it.

Real World
  YN wakes up from the dream mostly due to a knock to the door of his room. He tiredly gets up and rubbed his tired eyes. He can hear his big brother, Naofumi, on the other side of the door.

Naofumi: "YN, it's time to get up. We going to the library today so you can return those books and check out some new ones." He said from the other side of the door.

YN: "Kay!" He called out from his room. "What a weird dream." He said to himself.

   YN gets out of bed and started to get ready. He washed up in the bathroom before getting dressed. He was wearing a (F/C) hoodie, blue jeans, and white sneakers. YN then grabbed his backpack with the books inside and head downstairs to where Naofumi was waiting for him at the front door.

Naofumi: "You ready?" He asked as YN nodded.

They leaved the house as they first stopped at an small restaurant to get breakfast with what little money Naofumi had left. After they ate breakfast, they head to the library. YN returned the books that he checked out before go looking around for more books to read. He went to one ally to see what they had. As he scanned through the names of the books, one book caught his attention. It was called, The Records of the Four Cardinal Weapons. YN decided to look into it as  he opens to the first chapter of the book.

YN: "The Waves of Apocalyptic Catastrophe..." he began reading through it. "To save the world from the Waves, four heroes will be summoned from another world. Huh, it sounds something like those light novels big brother reads." He flipped to the next page to continue reading. "Each of the four heroes wield a characteristic weapon: a sword, a spear, a bow, or a shield. Wait isn't the shield like armor?" He asked himself. "Well he is a hero... Maybe he can used the shield like Captain America!" He said excitedly as he just imagined Captain America as the Shield Hero before continued reading.

   As he read through it, the next part upset him as it talks about how the princess was mean to the Shield Hero and frame him for a crime he didn't committed. He started to question as to why the princess would do such a thing to someone who is there to help. YN didn't too much on it as he continued reading. The next few pages talked about the other three heroes. He thought that they sounded pretty cool, but when he goes to read about the Shield Hero, he was met with nothing but blank pages.

YN: "Huh? Where is the rest of it?" He asked no one in particular.

   Just then, there was a bright glow from the book as the blank pages started to turn rapidly. This scared YN as he dropped the book and began backing away from it. However, the same glow was engulfing him as YN began to cry and scream.

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