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- y/n pov -

y/n no longer knew how much time had passed since they got stuck with heizou. they had recently been going on more shopping trips than usual: a request of heizou.

it was luke that man never left his house unless it was for work or going on a.. date.. with them. they grit their teeth, easily finishing up their shopping.

"hey! you! surrender your vision!"

y/n froze. their gaze traveled down to their vision. in all honesty, they had forgotten the vision hunt degree existed, probably because their vision had yet to be confiscated.

but now.. a soldier snatched their vision, holding it up, "any further resistance and you will be put in jail!"

y/n ignored him and took their vision from the soldiers hand anyway and started running. they ran between multiple houses, desperate to get away. hopping over a bush, they tried to find the next route.

y/n tumbled to the ground with a soldiers foot holding them down, "i will be taking your vision and you to jail!"

y/n sat in the jail cell quietly, tracing drawings on the floor with a chopstick that had arrived with the prison food.

they groaned, what had they gotten themselves into?

the sound of light footsteps and clothes rustling was heard at the end of the hallway, and y/n looked up, prepared to see who it was.

heizou and two soldiers appeared in front of their cell, "hi y/n~"

a soldier looked at heizou, confused, "do you know this prisoner?"

y/n cut in, "ive never met this man in my life,"

heizous eyes turned dark, and he looked away, "i see," he muttered under his breath, "uh, anyway. you can release them, theyre only taking up space in  the jail."

a soldier led y/n out of the prison, and y/n avoided heizous gaze, looking down at the cold ground.
- heizou pov-

heizou finished up his work and sighed. he knew it was y/n who had been arrested, he saw it with his own eyes.

but why did they pretend to not know him? maybe he could ask when he saw y/n at the house.

heizou walked down the street peacefully, nobody bothering to look over at him. if only every second of his life could be spent like this.

he paused momentarily, thinking of y/n. he knew itd be better to wait til he got home to ask y/n, but it was a constant aching in his chest.

entering his house, he immediately began looking for y/n. he found them sitting at the table, not even glancing up as he stood by them.

"whyd you tell them you didnt know me..? they wouldve let you out if they knew you were my friend,"

y/n visibly flinched, "we're on opposite sides. i cant know you,"

"well thats kinda harsh. plus, you were fired, remember?"

y/n glared at him, "even then, it started that way,"

"started that way? if you want to go back to the normal deal, we can." he placed an arm on the table as he adjusted its wrist and arm covering, a habit he had developed.

"fetch me 20 onikabuto, 3 naku weed, and give this to the shrine maidens at the narukami shrine," he handed them a small box and glared at them, "well? get going,"

y/n looked at the box before hesitantly grabbing it, "heizou, im sorry.."

"save it, i need to get back to work," he waved his hand before retreating into his usual room.
- y/n pov -

they shouldnt have pretended they didnt know him.

he did so much for them, and they returned that by denying knowing him.

y/n plucked a onikabuto from a place on a tree and sighed. this was at least the 5th one theyd found.

"hey! i was gonna get that onikabuto!" a voice yelled from behind, and y/n turned to see a tall man, with very noticeable abs and long white hair. he had large horns coming from his head, and multiple red tattoo like patterns.

y/n looked into his crimson eyes, terrified, "i- you can have it! please dont hurt me!"

kinda wanna ruin heizou and y/ns friendship/relationship completely to the point they dont talk to each other

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