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double update?? idek what to do so welcome to the chapter of wtf is happening also heizou :)

- y/n pov -

y/n blinked in and out of consciousness as the morning sun rose. they didnt know how long they had been asleep, but it felt like they had been for ages.

they sat up completely, rubbing the familiar sleep out of their eyes. someone from the side looked over, and on closer inspection, it was gorou?

y/n felt as if they gad seen him recently, but how recently?

"oh hi, y/n," he walked over to them, smiling, "you fell asleep after i left, and good news! your arrow wound healed!"

y/n glanced down at their leg, where only a light bruise was left, "i-"

gorou cut them off, "and now that youre healed, youre going back to narukami, where you were supposed to be. yknow, safe?"

he glared at them, "sure, her excellency releasing you from the military didnt ban you from coming here," gorou grumbled, crossing his arms, "but i at least thought mr shikanoin would tell you that you shouldnt be here,"

y/n looked at the ground quietly, "oh. hes mad at me right now,"

gorou rolled his eyes, "what did you do? im sure it isnt that bad! i doubt he would detach from your side if he was missing both of his legs,"

y/n laughed quietly, "i got arrested and said i didnt know him, in his workplace,"

gorou stared at them blankly, "and?"

y/n sighed, "im leaving. see ya later," they waved at him before struggling out of the bed and sulking away from the tent.

- heizou pov -

today was the day.

he was getting away from the kamisato estate.

he didnt like thoma, the maids were mean and didnt wash or make his futons, and the surroundings were boring.

he had seen thoma leave for the city, and since the silblings hadnt shown themselves to him once, he assumed they were busy.

sneaking out into the courtyard, heizou glanced around. nobody was there, so he sprinted to the wall next to the side of the house. he huffed and jumped up into the wall, using the bricks to find the small ledges and pull himself over the side.

he landed on the other side in the grass, locks of hair falling in front of his face. he huffed, effectively moving them away as he stood up straight.

he could sprint down the path to inazuma city if he tried, but it would be better and safer to avoid the road.

stretching out his arms, above his head and in front of him, he sighed. y/n wouldnt even be there, so why would he go back?

heizou, its your house. y/n doesnt have to be there

he convinced himself, nodding sharply. he would get home, and if y/n came back, he would be the one to apologize.

heizou knew he didnt do anything wrong, but i couldve been his clinginess to y/n that made them reject knowing him.

heizou panted for air as he made it to the large tree in inazuma city. the sky was painted with beautiful golds, pinks, and purples, stars starting to glimmer in the sky.

he swallowed quickly as he regained his breath. his house wasnt too far, maybe 20 feet away. he walked over to his door and opened it, slightly disappointed that it was left unlocked.

what if someone stole something?

eh, probably not. he had nothing of value except for y/ns bag they had when he first met them. he never felt like opening it, as that was an invasion of privacy.

heizou sat down at the kitchen table and started drawing on a piece of paper. all the scribbles barely formed an object, but heizou saw it as two people standing next to eachother infront of watatsumi.

there was a slight knock on the door, and he furrowed his eyebrows, who on earth wanted in his house at this hour?

he got up and sulked over to the door before flinging it open, only to see y/n.

"oh. hi." he muttered, looking at the ground.

y/n sighed, "you act as if we just broke up,"

heizou glanced up, a playful smirk forming on his face, "are you saying we were dating in the first place~"

y/n groaned, "n-no! but i guess i should apologize for saying i didnt know you.. it was really rude of me, especially since you treat me like your best friend,"

"..best.. friend..?" he flinched, face going a bit red, "is that what you think i think of you as..?"

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