epilouge pt 1

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ik i shouldve just finished the epilogue and post it all together but im procrastinating so you can have what ive done so far


- y/n pov -

"hey y/n, do you wanna get married someday?"

y/n still remembered when he had asked that. they had been sitting together at a table and eating katsu sandwiches after heizou had won a game of temari.

it had been around a year since then, and heizou hadnt tried much, just occasionally suggesting things.

like couple ideas. especially couple ideas.

"hey y/n, we should try the pockey game! except i immediately kiss you!"

"we should participate in that festival over there! its only for couples!"

"lets get married sooner, i feel like me dating you isnt showing all my love for you,"

not to mention the more.. active... and intimate suggestions. he never followed through with them though, maybe he was capable of respecting their boundaries.

they sighed lowly, looking around the beach they were standing on. y/n had invited kuki shinobu, the deputy of the arataki gang, on a walk on the beach.

over the months, y/n had become well acquainted with shinobu, and they often went and did friend things.

"hey y/n!" a voice called out, and y/n turned to see their green haired friend approaching.

y/n waved and met shinobu in the middle, smiling, "hey shinobu, ready for the walk?"

shinobu nodded and they began their walk, bringing up random topics along the way.

"y/n, dont you think heizou has been acting differently recently?" shinobu asked, and y/n paused, thinking about it.

recently heizou had started mentioning places that he thought looked beautiful. he also brought up different types of desserts, like cakes or other desserts that would be used at large parties. but y/n never thought too much of it. maybe he had a sweet tooth, you know?

shinobu glanced at y/n, waiting for them to respond to her question.

y/n shrugged, "i mean, sure?"

shinobu sighed quietly, a look of disappointment written on her face, "youll figure it out someday," she stopped walking, looking at the sky, "ah, i have somewhere to be. see ya!"

y/n watched as shinobu ran off towards inazuma city, probably to get itto out of jail.


- heizou pov -

he had everything planned out already. he had started getting the event ready a small while ago, and even if they bad been dating for barely a year, he wanted to confess his love again, just in a bigger manner.

looking down at his handwritten checklist, heizou noted that one of the last things was to actually get y/n to come to the place.

he had decided on somewhere in watatsumi, since y/n had connections there.

heizou walked down the streets before coming across shinobu. she waved at him, gesturing for him to come talk to her.

"so? are they coming here?" heizou asked, tucking the list into his pocket.

shinobu nodded, "yep!" she patted his shoulder, "good luck, mr shikanoin,"

heizou smiled at shinobu happily, "thank you, shinobu,"

for you.. the world | heizou x gn!readerWhere stories live. Discover now