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Amity's POV

I was once again back at the manor but the feeling of warmth and fullness didn't left my chest as I made my way towards the front entrance of the manor, I let out a sight as I was confused to what is this feeling I'm feeling right now.

I never once felt like this towards anyone nor even from a stranger which I found it really odd but in a good way. I decided not to dwelled that much as I pushed opened the door and entered the manor while shutting it close behind me.

I was making my way now upstairs as I just really wanna lay on my bed and rest but does the titan had other plans for me, I was stopped from my tracks when two familiar annoying twins called for my name."what?"I responded not really wanting to replace the warmth and comfort I am feeling in my chest by anger and annoyances.

"You looked like you were in a good mood just now sis, anything happened while you were out?"Emira asked resting her elbow against Edric's shoulder as they looked up at me."it's none of your business now leave me alone."I respond, like I would tell them what happened at the park tho it wasn't embarrassing I really would just like to keep what happened there to myself and headed upstairs quickly and went to my room making sure to shut my door lock and made my way to my bed.

I let myself fall on the soft, warming bed the other thing that gives me comfort other than my good witch Azura and maybe also that stranger and it's comforting warmth.

It actually surprised me how much a comfort could that stranger gave me even tho we both were in silence the whole time, we don't know both each other's name or the reason we were even crying but thinking back then silent comforting is far more better than talking, I think.

There are people that had asked me if I was okey, told me that if I ever wanted to talk things out I could always come to them, even the twins suggested that and say that they would always have my back but...

But something about the way they say it doesn't felt right, I know they care maybe some are genuinely does but saying it like that, it sounded more of a pity than actually caring but that stranger.

We don't need to talk to know we both just need a comfort, a warm comfort and a shoulder to cry on and maybe that's the reason why am I in such a good mood tonight because someone finally gets me even tho it's just for tonight I felt happy and warm.

I didn't bother to change as I slowly felt myself drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face thinking about the warmth I felt in chest and the main source of it.

It really is strange...

Third Person's POV

Emira and Edric watched their little sister retreat back up to her room and both had a worried written over their face but also relief knowing that their sister was safe.

The twins knew just how much pressure their mom put on their little sister and they really wish they could help her from the burden she is carrying but there is only so little they could do. This made Em and Ed sometimes wish they could be better older siblings to their sister, she and him are already 20 and both knew they could leave the manor and their mothers supervision all they want but because knowing their little sister would be alone with this woman they stayed worried about what Odalia would do to their little sister if they aren't there to at least try to protect her even by secret.

Emira and Edric knew just how worst Odalia could be and they want their sister to think the worst punishment mom would ever give her was getting scolded but the twins knew better, there are times Edric and Emira would have to use make up or Concealment Stones just to hide the bruises they got from their mom but as they got older and had minds Emira and Edric would always find ways to not have their sister experience the same abusive experience they had in the hands of their own mother.

Which also the few reasons why they choose illusion track instead of oracle or abomination, Ed and Em are actually angry at their father for being to oblivious at what Odalia is doing to them but they won't have to worry much about that tho as Emira and Edric are already fixing the papers to be their little sisters legal guardians and finally leave this miserable place all together but until that is done Emira and Edric would have to endure to just stand by the side for a while before making their move because one wrong move everything they worked hard for would all fall into nothing.

"So...should we ask her about that stranger with her at the playground?"Edric was the first to break the silence between them, the twins knew because after Amity run off Emira and Edric secretly made illusion clone that would follow their sister to ensure her safety and to their surprised their little sister was with a stranger at the playground under the slide and they thought she was in danger but the stranger sat beside their sister and offer her shoulder for their sister to cry on. That was the moment the twins knew that their sister was safe even tho that was a stranger but seeing as the stranger is crying too the two dispell the illusion and just waited by the living room until their sister came back and Amity did but in a good mood to their surprised.

"Nah let her have this, it's the first time actually see her in a good mood."Emira said and Edric shook his head in agreement and both retreated back to their room, even if they are twins they of course had their own rooms as both still need their own privacy.

A/N:and there we have it, I'll wrote down Amity and Luz character info on the next slide or the others too, I'll see anyways bye!

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