Chapter 1; Master Wu's first student

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The ninja were struggling to fight what, or who, had possessed Lloyd. All of a sudden Master Wu came running out of the shop, yelling: "It's no use, get on the Bounty!" The ninja nodded and all immediately ran to the Destiny's Bounty. All except Kai, he had 'Lloyd's' arm held behind his back. "Kai, get over here!" Cole yelled from the Bounty, but he was ignored.

"I know you're in there Lloyd, fight him!" Kai said, attempting to get back the green ninja. He was left surprised when 'Lloyd's' resistance weakened slightly. "Kai.. help me..." Kai was shocked. "Lloyd?! Are you there?! Fight it! I know you can!" By now, the Bounty was already in the sky. Cole turned to Nya, clearly scared for the red ninja. "Turn back! we have to get him!", Cole said, his voice full of concern. "No. If we get back down there, we will all be doomed" Wu calmly said.

Meanwhile, Kai was still holding down 'Lloyd', trying to help him get back in control of his body. And he was succeeding. "Hey, stop fighting and look at Kai! I-I think he's getting Lloyd back!" Jay said in an excited tone. The ninja all looked down from the Bounty. Lloyd was laying in Kai's arms, groaning. All of a sudden, Lloyd went limp, almost as if he had passed out again.

"Lloyd?! Lloyd, can you hear me?!" Kai screamed, shaking his brother. Lloyd slowly opened his eyes, and was immediately left terrified when he saw the ghost, that had possessed him, float behind Kai. "K-Kai-" he said, trying to warn the red ninja, but he was cut off by the ghost sending Lloyd flying across the place, making him hit a concrete wall. Kai gasped and turned around, seeing the ghost. "You!" he yelled, full of anger. "How dare you hurt Lloyd?!" Kai got up, fuming with anger. The ghost only smirked.

"Master Wu, we have to get down there and help Kai!" said Nya, full of concern for her brother. Wu sighed and slowly gave in. Nya immediately ran to the steering wheel and landed. The ninja jumped down from the Bounty, Zane and Jay running to Lloyd, while Cole ran to help Kai fight the ghost. "Hope you weren't trying to win this fight without me!" he said, trying to lighten up the mood. "Cole, now is not the time for jokes!." Kai was mad. MAD mad. Cole gulped and nodded, getting ready to fight.

Zane did a quick scan on Lloyd, who had falled unconscious. "He has a minor back injury from crashing against the concrete wall, nothing life threatening." he said calmly, a bit too calmly for Jay's liking. "He will have more than just "a minor back injury" if we don't get him to safety right now!" Zane nodded and picked up the green ninja, carrying him to the Bounty with Jay's help.

"Who even are you?! And what the heck do you want from Lloyd?!" Cole said, groaning. "None of your business." the ghost said and sent Cole flying, at least 5m away. Kai looked over to Cole in concern, which the ghost used to his advantage. He kicked Kai in the stomach, making the red ninja fall over. "All you need to know is that I'll be your biggest nightmare!" Kai shivered, being left confused when the ghost suddenly disappeared.

"Ninja, get on the Bounty! NOW!" Wu yelled. This time, all of the ninja obeyed and quickly followed their master's orders. Nya immediately started the Bounty's engine, flying far away. As soon as the ninja caught their breaths and had laid Lloyd down somewhere comfortable, they bombarded Wu with questions. "Who was that ghost?!" "What did he want?!" "Why did he possess Lloyd?!" "Is Lloyd gonna be okay?!" "Why did that ghost seem to know you?!"

"SILENCE!" Wu yelled. The ninja immediately went quiet, but suddenly they all heard a groan. It was Lloyd waking up. Kai was the first to run to the green ninjas side. "Lloyd!" Lloyd sat up, rubbing his head. "T-That ghost.. his n-name.. is Morro... h-he wants revenge" Lloyd forced out clearly fighting back the urge to fall back unconscious.
"Do you know him?!" "What revenge?! On who?!" All of a sudden Lloyd let himself fall back, unconscious again.

"He wants revenge.. on me." Master Wu broke the silence. "WHAT?!" the ninja all exclaimed, shocked. What could their Sensei have done to make a ghost want revenge on him? "You... you four weren't my first students." The ninja were speechless. Master Wu continued; "Morro was my first student. I thought he was going to be the green ninja." The ninja listened, shocked. Especially Kai. 'So i wasn't the only one who thought they were gonna be the green ninja...?' he thought.

"He was a great student.. but he got greedy. Greedy for power. Greedy for more. When the golden weapons didn't react to him, he felt betrayed. He ran away, trying to prove that he deserved to be the green ninja. On his mission, he must've..." Wu couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence. The ninja were taking a moment to process what Wu just told them, it was a lot to take in.

"But what has this got to do with Lloyd?" Cole asked. "Yeah! Why did he possess Lloyd?" Jay wanted to know. Master Wu stayed silent. "I.. I don't know.. I don't know why he needs Lloyd. But I might know what he's planning to do." The ninja were confused now. "How does that work-" While Master Wu began to explain, Kai was getting lost in his own thoughts.

'Does Morro want to be the green ninja too? Does he have a way to become the green ninja? Could he help me? Can i still become the green ninja... wait, what am i thinking?! Lloyd is the green ninja, it's his destiny! My destiny is to protect the green ninja, not take his place! But what if i could...?'

Kai was snapped out of his thoughts when Master Wu hit him on the head with his stick. "Ow!-" Kai rubbed his head and looked around, seeing everyone, except Master Wu gone. Where were they? "You spaced out. I can see that you were thinking about something.. what is it?" Wu asked, making Kai gulp. "Nothing, don't worry Master Wu.. Where did the others go?" Kai asked, trying to change the topic.

Wu was suspicious of Kai. Ever since the ninja had come back from Chens island, Kai wasn't the same. He was more hotheaded than usual, he was almost always spaced out, and he would freak out whenever someone asked him if he was okay. Something was definitely up with the red ninja. And Wu needed to find out what it was...


Chapter 1 of my story! I hope you enjoyed and are excited for the upcoming chapters!


Evil Kai AU - Kai and MorroWhere stories live. Discover now