Chapter 14: Confusion

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Kai paced around, deep in his thoughts. He had just returned from his attack on the village and Morro had left his body for a while, now he was confused. Had he done the right thing? What was he going to do now? How long could he keep following Morro's orders before he started questioning, or even regretting what he's doing? Or was he already regretting everything?

Kai tried taking deep breaths, he was breathing irregularly and panicking for no reason. He had to calm down, panicking for no reason wasn't gonna get him anywhere.

Kai sighed as he sat down, taking a deep breath again. He began to rethink his actions and soon came to the decision that what he had done was right. He needed to show the ninja that the Kai that they knew was truly gone gone now, and the best way of doing that was endangering people's lives, the same people that the old Kai used to help save.

The red ninja sighed in relief. 'Heck, why is being evil so stressful?' he questioned, rubbing his head. Kai leaned against the wall, looking around. Morro had made him go to a city called Stiix, something that Kai was still mad about, due to the fact that the city was built on water.

Kai had been scared of bodies of water ever since he was a little kid. He didn't know where the fear came from, it just one day appeared and stuck with him till now. His thalassophobia resulted in him never learning how to swim, and that didn't make his anxiety about being in Stiix any better.

When Kai spotted Morro in a corner, watching, he immediately got up. "Can we leave? I really don't wanna stay here for longer than we have to, what are we even doing here?!" he asked in rage and anxiousness. Morro only sighed; Kai having thalassophobia was bad, really bad. The ninja had already tried to use Kai's fear against him. While it wasn't very effective, they might end up coming up with a better plan.

Kai had to get over his thalassophobia, or else it would be his downfall. Morro couldn't let the fire ninja fail, without Kai it would be impossible to get revenge on Wu. "You need to get over your fear of water, that's why were here, idiot!"

Kai's face fell in shock. "Oh no, no no no no! You are not making me get close to any body of water when it isn't absolutely necessary!" said the raging ninja, about to walk away. "This is necessary you idiot! Those ninja will use any weakness you have against you!"

Kai only scoffed as he walked away, like a little child who wasn't allowed to eat candy. "I don't have any weaknesses! A little water doesn't scare me! Besides, what are they supposed to do? Throw me into the water and let me drown? They're way too soft to actually hurt me, pff!" he babbled, ignoring Morro and lastly disappearing behind a house.

Morro growled in anger as he watched Kai leave. That guy was too stubborn for the ghost's liking. Maybe this wasn't his best idea...

Kai could only scoff as he walked around with no certain destination. How could Morro accuse him of being scared of something as simple as water? 'Pff, I ain't an idiot! Water doesn't scare me!' he thought to himself as he stared at his reflection in the sea.

Millions of thoughts ran through Kai's head, he knew that he was in denial. He knew that if he admitted to having a weakness, his ego would crumble. Kai groaned as he let himself slide down the wall of a house. "Oh I wish Cole was at my side right now.." he mumbled to himself when he suddenly heard footsteps to his right.

"You don't have to wish for anything, I'm right here" Kai looked up and yelped in surprise when he actually saw the earth ninja standing there, right in front of him. Kai immediately got up, ready to fight, but he was caught off guard when Cole only put his hand on the fire ninja's shoulder.

"Relax, I'm not gonna fight you. You know I won't" Cole was right, Kai was absolutely sure that the black ninja wouldn't purposely start a fight. But his head told him not to let his guard down. "Ah yeah? How do I know that your stupid friends aren't hiding here somewhere, waiting for me to let my guard down so you can backstab me and beat me?!"

Cole frowned at Kai's choice of words; "Our friends, Kai. They're your friends too." The red ninja only crossed his arms and turned away. "They were before they started treating me like crap." Cole sighed as he let go of Kai's shoulder.

"Please, Kai- None of us want to fight you, I promise. And if it calms you down, I came alone. The others don't even know that I'm here" Now Kai was left dumbfounded. What was Cole planning?

"How do I know that I can tru-" Cole interrupted; "Trust me? I don't know, don't. Or do. It's your choice, Kai- You know I would never do anything to hurt you. And if Morro told you something different, and you choose to believe a random ghost more than me, then that's your own fault. It's all your decision Kai"

Kai raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding what Cole was talking about. "What do you mean?" Cole looked at the confused fire ninja. "I won't try to convince you to come back to the team, Kai. It's not my business. If you choose to be a villain who hurts innocent people out of revenge, then that's it. I won't change your mind, but don't expect me to sit still and watch you become a monster. You're my friend, but if you're willing to go this path then I will stop you. But if you change your mind and decide to come back, I want you to know that I'll always welcome you back, Kai. You... You're really important to me, okay? And I wish things hadn't turned out the way they did but this is the decision you made. All I can do is talk some sense into you, and if you refuse to give it a thought, I will definitely do everything in my power to stop you. It's all your decision, Kai- Your fate is in your hands."

Kai watched speechlessly as Cole finished his lecture and slowly turned around, leaving the place.

"C-Cole, wait!" he called out, but the black ninja didn't stop. Kai quickly ran after the earth ninja.

"C-Cole stop, please wait!"
Cole kept going and going, until he soon disappeared in the fog, leaving behind the broken and confused Kai.

Kai fell to his knees, only now starting to process everything that had happened.

"Cole.. I-Im sorry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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