Chapter 13: Rage and destruction

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Kai was riding his elemental dragon, watching the village burn down. He didn't quite understand why he was doing this, since it was Morro's idea.

"Why exactly are we doing this?" he decided to ask. Kai could hear Morro scoff in his mind. "To get the ninja here, idiot! Besides, didn't i tell you not to question my orders? You're lucky i'm letting you stay in control!" Morro rambled. Kai rolled his eyes as he watched the flames swallow everything.

The fire ninja smirked; "You could not gain control over me, I'm stronger than you ghosty. If anything, I could force you out of my body right now" he replied cockily. Usually, Morro would be offended, but Kai's ego was growing, and that's all Morro needed.

He needed Kai to become a heartless monster, corrupted to the point of no redemption. Turning Kai into a true villain who'd have no regrets would mentally destroy Master Wu, and that's all Morro wanted. He wanted Wu to feel the same pain he did. He wanted Wu to feel like he had failed, like he hadn't done enough, like he was a bad teacher. Just like how Morro felt like he hadn't been a good student.

Kai saw a family run out of their burning building, coughing and crying. He was starting to feel bad, the family reminded him of his own. There were a mother and a father, and a son and a baby daughter. He wanted to help, but suddenly Kai recalled a memory. A memory he never wanted to remember.

It was the day Kai's parents, Maya and Ray disappeared, leaving a five year old Kai and a three year old Nya behind to raise theirselves. Kai and Nya's childhood was hard. Especially Kai's. No one was willing to adopt the Smith siblings, which left Kai no other choice than to raise his little baby sister.

Kai was only a little kid, left alone to raise a baby, with no help from grown-ups. This part of his life had forever left him scarred, since then he had been scared of loosing people close to him, he was scared of being alone. And now Nya had left him too. He felt abandoned by her.

In fact, he felt betrayed and abandoned by all of the ninja. They all treated Kai like crap and he often felt lonely. Being with the ninja was a blessing, but a curse at the same time. He was happy when he was with them, but when he was alone in his room at night, and everyone was sleeping peacefully, Kai was left depressed and lonely, sometimes crying himself to sleep.

Kai felt under-appreciated. Very under-appreciated. And now the ninja were acting all sad and depressed, now that he was gone. Especially Nya. While Kai still loved his sister, he was mad at her. Sad too, but his anger took the upper hand. In his rage, Kai jumped off of his dragon and landed in the center of the burning village.

He was all alone. No Nya. No friends. No ninja. And no parents to bring him back to his senses. Kai felt a tear run down his cheek, and he felt the anger rise up. If he was left alone, then everyone will feel the same pain that he felt.

Kai roared in rage as huge flames shot out of his palms, setting entire houses and trees on fire. Kai let the anger flow through his veins and convert into power, which allowed him to do things he had never done before. The fire ninja had never felt so powerful, not even when he held Chen's staff. Kai felt proud, delighted, and happy.

However, his happiness didn't last long when he saw the bounty fly above him. Kai growled as he saw the ninja jump and land on the ceiling of a house. However, Kai found himself smirking again. He knew that he was too powerful for the ninja, especially in this raging state.

The ninja were worried. They had never seen such big flames. They were big, and fast; they were spreading quickly. Many people were stuck inside their collapsed buildings, or were unconscious due to the fact that it was difficult to breathe, and some people were already swallowed by the raging flames.

Zane could've potentially put out the flames by using his ice, but there were just too many. Nya wasn't much of a help either since she still hadn't unlocked her powers, and even if she had, she wouldn't be strong enough to extinguish the flames. So the ninja did what they could; save the people.

"Jay, Nya, you two bring the people to safety, get them on the Bounty if you can! Zane, you go and search anyone who could need help extinguishing flames, and Cole you go help the people who are buried under destroyed houses. I'll deal with Kai"

The ninja all nodded as they spread out, while Lloyd remained on the ceiling, staring at Kai. Kai seemed to stare back, smirking under his mask. "Go on. Try and beat me, greenie" he said provocatively. Lloyd felt his heart drop; he wasn't ready to fight Kai.

"Kai, please- I understand that you're mad at us but don't let innocently people suffer! They've done nothing to hurt you!" Kai scoffed as he used his flames to lift himself up in the air. He landed on the ceiling that Lloyd was standing on and came closer and closer, Lloyd felt his breathing become irregular in panic.

"Guess what," Kai started, coming closer. "I don't care" he whispered into Lloyd's ear as he jumped, creating his elemental dragon and leaving the burning village behind. Lloyd sighed, he saw no purpose in following Kai. He would lose the fight anyways. So instead, he jumped down and ran through the flames, going to help save the villagers. And in that exact moment, he realised;

The Kai that they knew was gone.

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