Chapter 2: Kai's thoughts

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Kai had headed to his room. He was overwhelmed with thoughts, and he needed a break. He has been stressed, unable to control what he thinks ever since Chen's staff of elements corrupted him, back on Chens Island. At first, Kai thought that it was just a temporary side effect. But he had stopped believing that long ago.

'Those thoughts.. I already used to think that i deserved to be the green ninja, long before I had held the staff in my hands. Those thoughts were my thoughts. They didn't just appear because of Chen's staff..' Kai thought to himself. He was so focused, he didn't even hear the earth ninja approach his room.

"Kai?" A knock pulled Kai out of his train of thoughts. It was Cole, knocking on his door. "Come in" Kai said simply, not being in the mood to talk. Cole came inside the room, and saw the fire ninja sitting on his bed, thinking. That wasn't a rare sight to see anymore, Kai was constantly thinking these days.

"You okay buddy?" Cole asked, concerned for his brother. Kai just nodded, wanting this conversation to be over as soon as possible. "You don't seem very well, did you get hurt during the battle?" Kai shook his head, which made Cole worry even more. Kai was never this quiet. He was never quiet in general.

Cole sighed, he knew that if he bugged the hotheaded ninja more, he'd be grilled like a chicken. "By the way, Master Wu is calling all of us to the bridge" Kai just nodded again and looked away. Cole lowered his head, feeling bad for not being able to help Kai. It was obvious that the fire ninja was going through something.

Soon all of the ninja were at the bridge, looking at Wu. "I figured that we need to know what exactly Morro is planning before taking action, acting based on assumptions that could possibly turn out to be wrong is too risky in this situation. We could ask Lloyd, however he is still unconscious. Therefore.. we are turning back."  Wu explained. The ninja nodded, except Kai. He was spaced out again.

As soon as the bounty landed, the ninja jumped off, landing on the ground. "Wait, where is Lloyd?" asked Kai. Zane gave him a confused look. "Don't you remember? Master Wu told us to bring him to his room so he can rest" Kai just made an "o"-shape with his mouth and nodded  "right" he said, pretending as if he remembered.

"Search every single room for Morro! and don't go alone. You never know what may happen.." Wu said. Cole immediately walked to Kai. "Lets go search, Kai" Kai jumped in surprise and looked at Cole, taking a moment to process what the black ninja had just said. "Yeah.. lets go" The fire ninja said, scratching his head. And so, they began searching.

It did not take Kai long to get lost in his train of thoughts again, which resulted in him separating himself from Cole unknowingly. As soon as Kai got back to his senses, he panicked. He did not feel very safe all alone, especially when he could not think straight for longer than 3 seconds.

"Cole?!" he shouted, trying to find the black ninja again. No success. Kai started to panic. All of a sudden, he thought; 'Why am I scared? Morro and I.. we're kinda similar, aren't we? We suffered the same fate, we both wanted to be the green ninja but things didn't play out like how we wanted them to.. If he wasn't all evil, we could maybe be friends..?'

Kai shook his head. 'No, he hurt Lloyd.. what am I even thinking?' Kai sighed and rubbed his head. "Whatever. All I need to know is that I don't need to be afraid of Morro" As Kai finished his sentence, he heard a sinister laugh. Kai gasped and turned around, seeing Morro.

"You don't need to be afraid of me? How so?" Morro asked, not moving an inch. Kai got weak in his knees, scared. But he couldn't show it. "Because you're just a ghost, you can't even touch me!" Kai scoffed, which made Morro smirk. "That is correct, but I can possess you!" Kai gasped as he slowly felt oxygen leave his lungs, while he was gasping for air.

Cole ran around like a mad man, trying to find Kai. And he did, as soon as he passed the training hall. "Kai, there you a- Kai?" Cole ran to Kai, seeing the fire ninja hold his head while groaning and grunting. "What's going on Kai?!"
Kai could barely keep his eyes open, but he managed to choke out; "M-Morro!" Cole gasped. "Fight him Kai!"

Kai groaned and rolled around, desperately trying not to give in into the ghost's control. Being the hothead that he is, more he fought, the angrier he got. At this point, Kai was growling. "Get. out. of. MY. HEAD!" the red ninja yelled, forcing the ghost to leave his body. But Morro only smirked. "Thanks, I got what i wanted anyways" And just like that, Morro was gone.

Kai was panting, clearly exhausted. Cole immediately helped his brother up. "You okay?!" Kai just nodded, rubbing his head. "T-that.. I never wanna experience that again" Cole just nodded and stroked the fire ninja's head, hoping it would calm him down. And it did. "We should go before he possesses someone else.." The earth ninja said and guided Kai outside. He helped the exhausted fire ninja get on the bounty and went right after him, to guide him to his room.

Master Wu spotted the two ninja. "What happened?" Cole gulped. "Uh... KaiAlmostGotPossessedButISavedHimSoNoWorries!" he spoke quickly. Wu stood there for a few moments, before leaving. 'That was weird.. Master Wu would never be so calm when something happens to one of us ...?' Cole thought. All of a sudden, he heard Wu yell: "Cole, follow me!"

Cole was confused, but he helped Kai sit down, said: "I'll be right back, don't move" and left the red ninja alone, following Wu. "What is it Master? I have to get back to Kai!" Master Wu only shook his head and sighed.

"Kai is not safe to be around with anymore."

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