Chapter 6: The new Kai

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Cole had been searching Kai for 2 hours now, but he unsuccessful. He was scared. Scared that something had happened to the fiery red ninja, scared that Morro had found Kai first, scared that Kai was hurt, scared that Kai was lost and would never come back.

'This is all Jay's fault!' Cole thought to himself, angrily. He was extremely mad at Jay for causing all of this. Lately Cole had grown close to Kai, maybe a bit too close. It was tormenting the earth ninja that he had no idea where Kai was or if he was alright. Cole was scared, mad, and anxious.

Cole's anxiety increased as he jumped up when someone had touched his shoulder, however he quickly calmed down when he realised that it was just Zane, and behind him, the rest of the team. And Nya. "Oh, it's you guys.. What are you doing here?" asked Cole, seeming rather unhappy.

"Helping you find Kai, of course. Any luck yet?" Cole looked at Lloyd, shook his head and sighed. "Mh.. we should probably get back to the Bounty, it's getting late.. we might run into someone who we definitely don't wanna run into right now" Lloyd said and Cole sighed again as he nodded.

It was strange to see Cole unmotivated like this. Kai's absence definitely affected Cole, negatively. Lloyd noticed this and went to Cole, patting his . "Don't worry, we'll find him" Cole only looked at Lloyd with puppy eyes. "I hope so..." Lloyd just nodded and patted Coles back again.

When the ninja arrived back at the Bounty, they noticed Jay shivering. "What's wrong Jay?" asked Lloyd. "I-It's really windy.. a-and cold too" Lloyd's eyes widened as he looked around. It was indeed windy. "Morro is near, be alarmed!" he yelled to the rest of the team as he frantically looked around, seeming panicked.

"Kai!" Nya yelled suddenly. Lloyd looked into Nya's direction, seeing Kai coming out of the forest which the Bounty had landed next to. Nya immediately ran towards her brother, yelping in surprise when she got stopped by Zane. "I sense a foreign entity in his body, most likely Morro. Do not approach him" Nya gasped in shock as she looked back at Kai.

Kai had his head lowered, not making eye contact with anyone. He seemed normal, no evidence of a fight that occurred could be seen, no injuries, no messy or ripped clothes, no messy hair. He seemed perfectly fine, so how could Morro have possessed him? Kai wouldn't let that happen without a fight, right?

"Act natural.." Lloyd whispered. He felt very suspicious. "Kai, where have you been?" Cole asked, breaking the silence. Kai finally looked up, looking at Cole. "I was taking some time to cool myself down in the forest, sorry for running off- what Jay did just made me angry, Im sorry by the way" Kai scratched his head nervously.

Nya's eyes went wide. Kai never apologises first. Especially not when he hadn't done anything wrong. Morro had indeed possessed Kai. All of the ninja have seemed to notice this as they pulled out their weapons. "What? Why the weapons?" Kai asked while smirking. He paused for a second before continuing, speaking with Morro's voice; "Can't beat me on your own?!"

Kai's dark brown hair began to turn mostly black with some green streaks appearing, his amber eyes became sage green with some brown spots here and there, and his naturally tan skin became a pale-greenish colour, making him look sick.

The ninja all gasped when they saw 'Kai' ignite fire balls and shoot them at his former team. Lloyd quickly jumped out of the way, seeing Nya, who almost go hit. "Nya, get Master Wu and then bring yourself to safety!" he yelled. "But-" "NOW!" Nya gulped and ran to the Bounty to get Master Wu.

'Kai' scoffed as he watched Lloyd. "That old man won't help you the slightest bit. You are all weak!" 'Kai' shot another couple of fire balls at Lloyd, who quickly jumped out of the way. "Kai, stop this! Fight Morro!" Kai stood still for a second, but soon cracked up in laughter.

"Oh I don't wanna fight Morro. Too bad for you, Greenie!" Kai said in his own voice, shocking the ninja. "W-what do you mean?" Lloyd asked in shock. What was Kai saying? "I am not on your team anymore, green ninja. Nor am I your friend!" Lloyd was caught off guard when he saw another, bigger fire ball come flying towards him, but he quickly ducked.

"All this time we did 75% of the work, we made you stronger, we trained you, we helped you, but you're the big hero! You get all the recognition, all the attention, you get everything! Just because you're the super important green ninja!" Lloyd was speechless, he couldn't breathe. He was getting flashbacks of what Kai had said on Chens island. It was all coming back to him.

"P-Please Kai, this isn't you!" Lloyd stated, feeling scared and anxious. "That is where you're wrong, Greenie. I changed. I'm not your stupid play toy anymore that you can boss around and treat it like it's not worth anything!"

Lloyd was taken aback. Was that how Kai interpreted their relationship, was that what Kai thought Lloyd saw Kai as? Or was it just Morro speaking? Lloyd let out a small yelp when he got pushed by Zane. As Lloyd looked at the wall that he was standing in front of just now, he saw a burn mark, which made him come to the conclusion that Zane had just saved him from being grilled alive.

"Kai, we can talk about this! Just calm dow-" Zane got interrupted by Kai's angry voice. "I DON'T WANT TO TALK! We're already past that point." Kai glared as he raised his arms and made a pushing motion, sending wind towards the ninja.

The ninja all yelped and screamed in surprise as they got knocked over by the huge gust of wind. Kai let out a laugh. He sounded like a maniac. All of a sudden, the ninja saw Wu leave the Bounty. "Morro. Stop this nonsense, now!" Kai now chuckled as he looked at Wu. "I mean, sure thing. But why not ask Kai if he wants to stop?" Kai said with Morro's voice.

Wu gasped, he was disappointed. Kai had really turned his back to the team and joined the enemy. Of course, Wu had expected it, but he was still disappointed. "It doesn't have to be like this, Kai. You can still turn back." Kai only scoffed as he ignited a flame with his hand.

"Forget about that, old man. I do not want anything to do with you anymore, Im done with you! You all treated me like crap!" Kai seemed extremely angry, but Cole saw something else. Kai's eyes were shiny, almost as if he was about to cry. Could it actually be tears? Was Kai really about to cry?

Cole was caught off guard when Kai lunged towards him, aggressively trying to hit him. "K-Kai calm down! We're your friends!" Cole said, desperately trying to get Kai to stop. He knew that it would pretty much be impossible to beat Kai when he was angry.

"Oh really?! Friends don't talk about me behind my back, or doubt my loyalty to the team!" Wu's eyes widened at Kai's statement. How had Kai found out about their secret meeting? Was that the reason Kai joined Morro?

"K-Kai we're just worried about you!" Cole continued trying to calm the angry fire ninja. Kai only scoffed and shot a ball of fire at Cole, who quickly dodged it. "Yeah sure. You all are just scared of me because I'm way stronger than all of you! You know that you can't keep up with me." Kai cocked a smirk and raised his arm, suddenly creating a huge tornado with Morro's power.

Wu was in panic. Kai was already a strong on his own, but him combined with Morro's elemental power and massive amount of hate, Kai was too strong. Overpowered, almost. Kai was right, The ninja couldn't keep up with him. "Everyone on the Bounty, now!" Wu yelled, to which the ninja quickly obeyed.

Kai frowned, not wanting to stop fighting. He turned towards the Bounty and made a pushing motion with his hands, using Morro's wind to push the Bounty farther away. The ninja gasped at this. Kai was stronger than they had expected.

"Zane, we could need a little ice!" Jay yelled, obviously nervous. Zane nodded and froze Kai, giving the ninja some time to reach the Bounty. As soon as all of the ninja were on board, Nya started the engine and flew away.

Cole looked back down at Kai, seeing that Kai had already melted his way out of the huge ice block that he was stuck in. Lloyd seemed to have noticed this too, as he turned to Nya and yelled: "Fly faster! Or else he's gonna pull us back with Morro's wind!" Nya nodded and flew faster.

The last thing the ninja heard was Kai's and Morro's hateful scream.

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