Chapter 12: Hopelessness

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During the fight, Cole was unresponsive for multiple moments, and Kai had seized the opportunity to escape without leaving a trace. In other words; the ninja had failed miserably, one of their strongest teammates was not in the best shape and Kai had disappeared, now being angrier than before.

Jay was fed up. Everyone was, but Jay was angry, angrier than he had ever been, ever since their fight with Kai that occurred a week ago. He already couldn't stand watching Nya suffer, and he would definitely not be able to stand watching his best friend suffer. The entire team wasn't feeling well, but Cole and Nya had it harder than everyone else.

The situation seemed hopeless, the ninja needed motivation. Usually, Kai would give a motivating speech, but he wasn't here. So, Jay would take over Kai's role.

Jay had knocked on Cole's door, not really expecting to get an answer. But to his surprise, a faint "Come in" left Cole's room. Jay slowly opened the door as he slowly walked inside. Cole's room was a mess.

Halfway finished plates and water bottles were everywhere, clothes were scattered all around the floor and Cole's belongings were laying in every existing, dusty corner. The only spot in the room that wasn't occupied was Cole's bed, and it was only clean because Cole hadn't gotten out of it for the past week.

Jay sighed as he saw the condition Cole was in, it was obvious that Cole was strongly affected by everything that had happened. Jay walked to Cole's bed and sat down on the side, looking at Cole. Cole was curled up into a ball, under his blanket, refusing to show his face.

"Heyy... How are ya buddy?" asked Jay. Cole gave no reaction, but Jay could see the earth ninja shrug underneath the blanket. Jay quickly realised that he wouldn't get far like this. Cole let out a surprised yelp when he felt his blanket being yanked away. He sat up and immediately started to whine.

"C'mon, pull yourself together, Cole! Feeling sorry for yourself won't bring Kai back! Do you really think that Kai will come back all good again and just apologise if we lay around, doing nothing?! No! We have to keep fighting, Cole! We can't loose hope, Kai wouldn't give up on us if we were in his situation, and you can't give up on him! So get your buff butt up and help us work on a plan!"

Cole looked up at Jay, not responding. After some time, he sighed and just laid back down. Jay internally groaned as he sat down next to Cole again, putting his hand on the earth ninja's shoulder. "I know it's hard buddy.. but we'll get Kai back, I promise you that"

While Cole appreciated Jay's attempts to cheer him up, it all seemed useless. Kai had chosen his path and he didn't seem like wanting to come back, so why even bother?

"Thanks Jay, but.. I don't know, I don't see a point in fighting anymo-" before Cole could finish his sentence, he yelped in surprise when Jay suddenly hugged him.

"We'll get through this together, Buddy- Kai is our friend and we won't abandon him so easily, after all that's kind of what got us into this situation, isn't it? I mean, Kai felt like he was abandoned and unloved because of Lloyd getting all of the attention for the things we did as a team, right? And we didn't realise or ask him how he was, instead we occasionally made fun of him... I'm not the smartest but i'm pretty sure that giving up on him now is gonna prove that we don't care about him, so we should do our best to prove him wrong, don't you think?"

Cole was speechless, he never expected Jay to be so wise and mature. But, the blue ninja had a point, and he finally managed to knock some sense into Cole. Cole grinned a bit as he nodded; "Yeah... Thanks, bolt head- I needed that.. Since when are you so wise tho?"

Jay's face immediately turned red out of embarrassment, making Cole crack up. "O-oh shut up, boulder brain!" he stuttered, trying to stay cool. Cole wiped away an imaginary tear as he slowly calmed down from his laughing fit. "Whatever you say, zaptrap"

Now, both of the two ninja were laughing. Together they left Cole's room and went to the bridge, to come up with a new plan with the rest of the team. But this time, they felt more confident and better than ever. They would definitely get their friend, and brother back. They would make sure of it.

As Cole and Jay arrived, they immediately heard the ship's alarm go off. The ninja quickly ran to the bridge to check what had happened, even though they all knew what it was, deep down. Lloyd sighed as he saw Zane's falcon show footage of a burning village. Kai had strikes again, and this time on innocent civilians, he had to be stopped.

"He set the entire village on fire, if we don't hurry up, all that's gonna be left are ashes, and we can't let Kai get away again!" Zane exclaimed, receiving nods of agreement from his teammates. "Nya, any luck yet with your powers?" asked Lloyd. Extinguishing an entire village that was on fire would be harder than extinguishing the burned down blacksmith's shop, Zane's ice would not do the job this time, they needed the master of water.

Nya scratched her head, looking at the ninja with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry, I can barely control tiny water drops-" the ninja just nodded and grabbed their water guns. They may not have worked on Kai but they will definitely save the village from turning into a pile of ashes.

"Alright everyone, Zane and Cole, you try and stop the fire from burning more than it already has, me and Lloyd are gonna search Kai" said Jay, surprisingly being serious. The ninja weren't used to this side of Jay, but they didn't have time to be shocked, they had a village to save.

And so, they ran to save the day.

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