Part 29

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Khushi heard his roar and immediately turned around, onto to find that seconds later she felt herself flying and landing roughly onto the yard. She groaned in pain, holding her stomach, feeling the air knocked out of her lungs, she opened her eyes and met the eerie eyes,

"You-" she gasped out in pain, the ghost smirked,

"Me." He said simply, "I've met your boyfriend, tough guy isn't he?" he smirked again. Khushi made a move to stand up, only to feel a kick to her stomach again; she instinctively curled into a ball, clutching the bottom half of her body in pain,

"Get a hold of yourself Khushi!" she screamed inside her head, despite the pain of pulling her muscle, she sent an unexpected flash at the ghost, temporarily blinding him, giving her enough time to regain strength and stand up.

"You want a fight, let's do it." Khushi said coldly, she charged at him, at the same time he charged at her. The two met in the middle, their arms and hands clashing as if they had became swords. Khushi's leg moved automatically, step back, step forward, side step, she ducked and placing a secure palm onto the ground, Khushi swung her leg around in a circle, making the ghost trip and fall. She stood up straight, and held her hands out, her palm radiating red, as if it was a gun. The ghost on the floor looked up to meet the deadly glow,

"You wouldn't." he said as if he knew her well. Khushi swallowed the lump that formed in her throat.

"Watch me." she said in the coldest voice.

NK threw the last remaining ghost through the portal. Just as it had closed, a sharp red light emitted a few metres away from them immediately drawing their attention. When they finally saw through the smoke, they only saw Khushi's lone figure, her hand though no longer glowing, stretched out, and pointing to a patch of burnt grass.

Aditya smirked; guess it was time to make his grand appearance after all.

Khushi stood, shivering underneath her jacket, her eyes were wide, and as if she couldn't believe she had actually done such a thing.

"Khushi," Arnav said softly, he had approached her, and for the past minute had stayed completely silent.

"Arnav…" Khushi whispered,

"That's very impressive Khushi." Aditya praised coolly as he walked calmly towards them, the three of them immediately turned towards him,

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