Part 11

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Happy reading

Chapter : Meant to be

Arnav stood in the middle, supporting Khushi's weak body, staring coldly at the circle of souls that currently surrounded them. They caught, in the corner of their eyes, the dead bodies of the people in front of them being brought out of the ruined travel bus, police and medics rushing around them, none of them registering the fact that a teenage girl was standing in the midst of the commotion.

Arnav could hear whisper being passed around the crowd; some of them were eyeing both of them with suspicion, others with pure shock. Arnav knew what they were going through; he had gone through the same. The surreal feeling that comes when all of a sudden, you're leaving everything you've ever known behind, the fact that everyone you've ever loved will never see you again.

"Can she see us?"

"Oh my god what's happening?"

"This can't be happening. My family,"

"This must be some mistake!"

Khushi's body started to quiver under the intensity of so many ghosts surrounding her. Her head pounded painfully, hearing screams of fear, and whispers of shock. Her insides felt cold and clammy, all sorts of cold energy swirling in one place, inside her body. She shook uncontrollably; half still weaken by her vision, and because of the intense energy.

"Khushi, are you alright?" Arnav whispered very quietly to her. Khushi gulped audibly, unable to stand on her own. She felt so weak, her legs felt like jelly.

"Yea, Arnav, we, I, we have to leave. Too many…" Khushi stuttered, trying to shake the continuing flashes of the travel bus colliding, the horrified faces of children that had barely begun to live, and lives that haven't seen enough. Arnav nodded, invisibly supporting Khushi, the two started to walk off that is… that was the plan until the circle seemed to close around them blocking every exit possible.

"Move out of the way, now." Arnav said in a cold voice, glaring at everyone there. His body pulsed, and a branch near the circle blew up in flames.

"Arnav, calm down," Khushi whispered to him, feeling the pulse he was sending off. He was radiating with energy and somehow she felt relieved by it.

"You can see us how you can see us?" one of them said, his steel cold eyes penetrating them.

"Because I'm dead too you moron, now move!" Arnav growled, not wanting to share his life story to strangers.

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