Part 30

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Chapter  : A choice to make

For a moment, for one moment, Arnav had thought he was dreaming. He had thought everything was a dream, and when he woke up, none of this would've ever happened, he would still be a ghost-that was a given-but he would be in Khushi's room, by the window sill, waking up with the sun rise and spend the next half hour just gently gazing at the sleeping girl by the bed. But as his eyes scanned his surrounding areas, the buildings, the neon lights, the cars rushing past them in a quick blur of colour made him start to lose the grip of his hope.

It was all too similar, too real, and too precise to be a dream. Everything was as he had remembered it that day…come to think of it…he wasn't even sure if it was the day he had died. He turned to his left and saw Khushi still standing by his side, her round emerald eyes looking closely at her area, no doubt scanning the area for every detail it offered, and by the way her tense muscle seemed to relax when he gently touched her arm, she was very well on high alert.

Khushi's sharp eyes had been skilfully scanning the area. After spending most of her teenage years working out 'problems' with ghosts, she had learned-through the hard way she might add-to always know her surroundings before doing anything. Her muscles were tense, being ready for what ever that may happen, but when she felt Arnav touch her arm, she couldn't help but relax from his touch, she turned around and met his burning eyes,

"So?" Khushi asked softly, she didn't need to push it any further, she knew Arnav understood what she wanted to ask,

"It is," Arnav said heavily, "its Mumbai." There was silence between them, and Khushi could see, as hard as Arnav tried to cover it with a cool look, that the ghost had no intention on being back here ever since his death.

"Arnav…" Khushi said gently, if it was needed, if Arnav didn't like the fact he had to be here, she could send him back, back to their own time and find Aditya herself, and as if reading her mind, Arnav immediately rejected it,

"I'm not leaving," he said simply, "I'm not leaving just to have some stupid psycho kill you, if we're leaving, and we're leaving together, alive-well in most cases you- and hopefully dragging the bastard's ghost with us." Arnav said definitely. Even in the meek situation, Khushi managed a small smile when suddenly; she left his side a bit, and stopped a girl around her own age,

"Excuse me, do you know what today's date is?" Arnav asked in fluent English, feeling Arnav come up behind her. The girl she had asked, had brown eyes and shoulder length black hair,

"Today is… November 22," the girl answered her, briefly checking a cell phone she pulled out of the pockets of her jeans. Khushi smiled,

"Thank you," she replied, the girl shrugged before walking past them, accidentally bumping into Arnav,

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