~Chapter 2 | Heartbeat~

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It was tiring.

Was he used to it? Yes.

But there will always be an oppressive feeling of disappointment when you wake up beside someone you have no emotional connection with.

Especially when you wish beyond reason that it was someone else.

Jisung sighed, his legs draped off the side of the bed, conscious both heavy and clear at the same confusing time.

Ten was still peacefully asleep behind him, something he was grateful for, and yet also disappointed in.

Essentially, he couldn't win.

"We've done this too many times to get away with me leaving right now, haven't we.." he muttered.

He was greeted by silence.

He ran a hand through his hair, another heavy sigh passing quietly through his lips.

It was really the dumbest thing he could use as a coping mechanism.

Wishing for solitude, while being mortally terrified of it.

Amazing combination. Truly.

In what felt like mere seconds of self reflection and regret, fifteen minutes had passed, gracing Jisung's already muddy head with a new matter to deal with.

Ten was awake.

Not a word was spoken, and all Jisung was given to snap himself out of his self destructive thoughts was two warm arms gently snaking around his waist.

He has to know what this is to me..

He gasped lightly as an initial reaction, not expecting such immediate contact.


Still no words were spoken, and instead a whisper of a kiss was granted to his lower back.

"Ten..you know I'm not a fan of surprises."

He could hear the smile in the older's voice.

"You know I don't really care."

All he could do was gently shake his head, knowing his statement wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway.

"And besides," Ten continued, taking his left arm away to gently run his finger along the length of Jisung's spine. "You left this right here for me. How could I ignore such a gift?"

Every muscle in his body relaxed, loving every second of it, while his mind caved in on itself.

How long am I going to keep doing this to myself?

"You really know how to sweet-talk your way out of anything," Jisung managed, voice low from hours of sleep, and from the mental torment that was going against literally every fiber of his body.

"You noticed," the older's voice left in a wispy laugh.

"I try."

Jisung's voice fell even quieter, acting as the last fleeting shred of his mind's reasoning.

In the end, he couldn't help but give in to the powerful temptation that was Dionysus.

That's why he went to Ten in the first place.

Funny how his only coping mechanism ended up becoming a leading factor in his stress.

The feathery kisses Ten was generously covering his back with started to take on a more heated, and hungrier tone, which is where Jisung drew the line.

Olympus of Desire - Jaesung (NCT Greek Mythology AU)Where stories live. Discover now