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Rhys Cassian and Azriel were already ready to go—Amren and Mor had stayed in Velaris to run the city in our absence. The only decision Feyre and I were left with was who to fly with—actually that was just on my sister. I already had a ride.

    Rhys was going to winnow us off the coast, right to the invisible line that divided our worlds—actually, he'd be winnowing just them. But he didn't have to know that yet... There was a tear in the wall about a mile offshore that we'd fly through.

    We all stood in the hallway of the townhouse—them bundled in their leathers, and Feyre and I stuffed in fur-lined cloaks that were very, very comfortable.

    Feyre spoke first, "I'll fly with Azriel."

    Rhys and Cassian looked at her oddly for a moment, as though the decision was absurd. The shadow singer merely bowed his head, "Of course," and that was that.

    Everyone's attention turned to me. I raised a brow before I simply just shrugged. "I've already got a ride. I'll meet you guys there." The group was an array of confusion and furrowed brows. What? Were there no alternative modes of transportation in Prythian? Actually, there might not be. Scratch that.

    I rolled my eyes, turned around, and descended the stairs. I didn't think twice before I opened the door and left. The streets of Velaris were coated in a light layer of snow, so fresh that it barely stuck to the ground as a breeze blew past, sending a flurry of snow throughout the streets.

    I walked, strong and sure. Keeping my head down and wondering if any of them had followed. Some small part of me hoped they did, but...I couldn't risk it. COuldn't risk them finding out what I was hiding. Who I was. It would only raise questions and expectations. They'd see me differently, and as of now, I couldn't handle that.

    It wasn't that I didn't trust them. That trust had bloomed with my stay here, but I just wasn't ready. It had taken me long enough to come to terms with all that lay on my shoulders, what I was supposed to do and be. Who I was. I wasn't ready for them to know, and for the weight of their hope to find me too.

    I walked quickly, not wanting to keep everyone waiting for too long. Soon enough, I'd reached the wards on the edge of the city. I passed through them hesitantly, the wards tickled my skin but there was no issue leaving. I walked through the forest in the same direction I'd once been.

    The trees wore a thick coat of frost and snow, but I had no problem finding the same clearing. I kneeled in the snow, placing my palms against the ground and sending out waves of power until the ground shook beneath me. I stopped as I heard that same thumping sound against the ground.

    A small smile flitted across my features as I stood.

    Thump, thump, thump. It continued until a large figure appeared through the tree line. I didn't waste time as I ran across the clearing, my cloak lifting along the way. My smile grew as I reached Azail, throwing my arms around the Wyvern.

    I beamed as I pulled away, running a hand along with the cool scales of the Wyvern. "You wanna take a trip?" I questioned in the old language—I was still convinced he could understand. Azail blew out a hot breath in the air around us. Dipping his head, I climbed onto his back.

    I was excited. I hadn't flown with Azail in at least a month or two. A large smile played on my lips as Azails wings spread wide and launched into the sky, barreling through the air and above the cloud bank. We had to stay out of sight for as long as possible.

    Azail flew fast as if sensing I was in a hurry. It felt like time ceased to exist as we flew, I barely processed the land around me. We were hurdling through the courts as if they were barely even there at all. I hadn't even known he could fly this fast.

    Soon enough we were in the woods near the shore of spring court. I made sure we landed out of sight and made sure Azail was hidden before I ran through the woods and toward the shore.

    The four of them waited on the small sand bank, Rhys was pacing as the three of them just watched him.

    "So, are we leaving or not?" I questioned as I came up to them.

    Rhys turned to me, "We've been waiting on you." he deadpanned.

    I waved a hand, "Semantics." I looked at him, "can we go?" he rolled his eyes before he nodded, walking over to me and scooping me up in his arms. Feyre was up in Azriel's arms and before I could process what was happening we were shooting into the sky so fast that I wrapped my arms around Rhys's neck as a reflex. At least Azail had the decency to warn me.

    "Asshole," I muttered as we flew.

    Rhys snorted, "You deserved it."


    Rhys grinned and I barely noticed when we'd passed the wall that separated our worlds.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: I literally despise this chapter, like more than life itself. But oh, well. I'm just struggling with what to write, I have motivation to write the rlly exciting chapters, its just the fillers I hate.

anyway, love you guys <<<333

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