II: Clingy & Nosy

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Dust's POV:

"That stupid Horror. Why can't I get myself to even look at him?

He's just so- Would saying attractive be too much?

My face gets so warm every time I'm near him.. I'm too afraid to confidently say I'm actually in love with him though, even to these echo flowers.

I'm just not sure about myself.. I get so flustered by even saying this. I've never worried so much over anything-

Why am I worried though? He is never going to feel the same way back. He probably thinks I hate him because I can't even say a word to him.

Nobody can ever find these. I am glad though, that I can voice my thoughts out loud, even if I am talking to a flower.


I ended my log, sighing. I stopped talking to the farthest flower of all of my echos flowers, for it is my latest log.

I felt the need to vent. My face heated up again, but it wasn't because Horror might've accidentally brushed his arm against me or something. This time, he just simply looked at me.. and I'm blushing from just thinking about him! That, is what got me flustered? Oh gosh, it's getting so much worse.. Why am I feeling like this? Do I really love Horror like that? I don't even know why..

I was tempted to make another log about this, but I decided to get back to my room. I walked out of the woods. Yes, I could just teleport, but my teleportation cannot go far just like every other sans, not counting the "gods". Besides, I like the nice nightfall breeze against my face. It's comforting.

I teleported back to my door which revealed my bedroom where I went back to sleep. It wasn't a long amount of time before I awoke again to the smell of breakfast. Smells like ham. 

Horror was always the one held up in the kitchen. He was never ordered to cook for anyone during the years he has been here, he just decided to do it. It's something he enjoys. Something I admire about him..

My face heated up again. Dust, stop it, you're going too far. Just go down and eat breakfast. I did as I told myself, and walked out of my room, down the hall, down the stairs, meeting Killer, Nightmare, Error, and Cross in the dining hall.

Cross always joined us for our meals, while Error just joined for breakfast. Error never ate anything since he doesn't need to eat, unless it's chocolate. That's just something he enjoys eating. He rarely showed up for dinner, he was often busy by then.

Horror walked out of the kitchen with two plates, both with a slice of ham and eggs. Simple and sweet, just to fuel each of us during our mornings. Placing the plates down in front of Cross and Killer, he glanced up, only to notice me across the table. We locked eyes, but I ended it as soon as it began by looking away. 

"Oh, morning Dust." Horror greeted me, giving a small welcoming grin. I continued to not make eye contact or look at Horror, staring at the floor.

"Morning Horror."

"I'll get your plate." Horror said, rushing back into the kitchen. I nodded silently.

Horror soon came out with two more plates once again. He placed one in front of Nightmare, there being eggs and spinach, since Nightmare is vegetarian. Even though he doesn't need to eat, he uses the excuse that it was good for him nonetheless. Although, I believes he just enjoys it.

Horror then walked over to place my plate in front of myself. His arm.. got so close when lowering the plate down. Dust stop it! Not the time. I noticed Horror was gazing at me, I think confused? I then realized how warm my face was, and panicked, lowering my head quickly.

Endless Echo [Horrordust; Horror x Dust]Where stories live. Discover now