III: Caught yet found

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Horror's POV:

I told Killer I was going for a walk, and stepped out the door. It was growing dark out.

I walked around the base to the back, step by step in to the woods where the exact person walked out of.

Another step was taken, and suddenly it was lit up blue all around me. They were echo flowers. My eyes widened. So many in one place, no wonder I could see a blue light in the woods.

They seemed to be in an order. I sat by the first one, and listened to a voice that started being repeated. It sounded similar to Dust's..
It was talking about trauma..

I listened to a couple, thinking deeply.

"I don't think I know what I'm doing anymore.

I feel lost. I don't understand. How can people just push back the past so easily? Just.. leave it behind?

I try my hardest, I truly do. I feel so misunderstood by everyone. I try not to care, and at this point I can't tell if I do or don't.

There's always something in my mind, something I can't stop thinking about. Usually, it's previous memories I wish to forget. Sometimes, it's the voice of my brother, inaudible noises. I try not to listen, even if he is trying to tell me something. I don't want to hear anything he has to say.."

I hesitated. This person.. they need help. They need to be cared for and comforted. If this really was Dust then..

My face flushed at the thought of helping Dust. Caring deeply for him. Loving him-

Moving on..

"My head can be filled with a variety of things from the past.

For the first time ever though... I can't think about before. All I can think about is.. him.

That hole-headed bastard.

I-.. I can't get myself to look at him for so long, or be alone with him for a certain amount of time. He just.. I don't know, I get so.. heated? My face gets real warm. I don't like it, yet it is slightly addicting.

I need to stay away though. I shouldn't get too close. Of course, we are friends, but any more than that could get out of hand.


It's for the best."

My face went a dark shade of red as I held my hand against my mouth from what I just heard. Yet, underneath my hand was a dorky smile. I felt.. bubbly. Is that why he couldn't look at me or be around me? Because he is getting the same warm feeling in his face when he does?

I listened to every last echo flower, even the last one, talking about loving me.. I didn't know how to react. I felt so joyful, yet I didn't even know if this was Dust.

Even if it was Dust, why am I so happy if he loves me? I never came to the conclusion that I may have feelings for him too. I think..

I smiled dork-ily again. I can't stop thinking about holding him close to me, telling me everything that's bothering him. Caressing his face as I lean closer..

I blushed even more, shaking my head rapidly. Horror, what are you thinking?? This is your teammate! A teammate that.. loves you in return.

I sighed, drowning in my thoughts of Dust.

Once I got back in the base, I slept, still thinking about him..

Dust's POV:

I woke up, stretching my arm and back. Of course I didn't heal as fast as Nightmare or Error, but my side was feeling a lot better after a few days of taking it easy. Of course, Killer and Horror have been keeping me company.


It took awhile for boss and everyone to let me manuever around on my own. My side is just fine now. I still shouldn't strain it too much though.

A knock was heard on my door before Horror could be seen between the crack of it. I think he was checking on me. My face got warm.

"..May I come in?" Horror asked politely. It only made me smile at how much of a gentle giant he was.

"You may." I responded playfully. I was thinking about whether I should get Killer in here so I'm not alone wit him, but I didn't want to be a bother like that.

He walked in, observing me with his grand eye.

"Are you going to come down to breakfast?" He questioned, hinting at my side and if it was okay to walk. I only chuckled.

"I've been moving around for a bit now Horror, I think I'll be fine." I replied, still showing my full gratitude at his worry anyways.

"How is your side? Is it fully healed?" He asked, seeming to move closer to me. I blushed at the thought that came to mind.

"Would you like to see?" I offered, before realizing what I just suggested. My face went hot, and I noticed his lit up a little as well. He hesitated, thinking about it, before nodding. Welp can't take it back now.

I lifted up the white t-shirt I sleep in every night, showing my lightly fractured ribs. Horror moved closer, inspecting it and my ribcage closely while crouching down infront of me. He raised his hand towards it, glancing at me to make sure this was okay, before caressing it gently.

Although, I started to notice he wasn't looking at my ribcage anymore, but at me instead. My face. My heart skipped a beat when we locked eyes, as I felt my face flaming up. He was leaning closer, before another knock was heard at my door.

Horror and I both jumped from this, him removing his hand and backing away quickly, while I lowered my shirt and hid my red face.

Killer poked his head in, curious what was taking us so long.

"So is Dust coming down or not Horror? You guys are awfully taking your time discussing it." Killer said sarcastically.

"Oh- Yeah, h-e'll be coming down." Horror stammered, straightening himself up before also making his way towards the door. Although, doing so he gave me a side look, as if saying that this will be continued or talked about later..

I blushed. Once they left the room, I let my face smother into the palms of my hands.

What just happened...

The day passed before I knew it. Horror and I grew awkward all day, yet I knew he kept trying to get closer to me again but I would just avoid him. I was so embarrassed from this morning I guess I wasn't processing everything at once-

I did my usual routine where I go to bed early, wake up when everyone is asleep and go out to vent.

It's been awhile since I've been recovering and a lot has happened that I need to get out.

Once I was smothered in the glowing blue lights of the flowers, I sat by a silent one and began to speak as usual.

"Uuu.. H-he, He won't leave me alone!

This would be so much easier if he just, went away! Even if it would hurt so much, I can never be with him..

As much as I want to.

I cannot let him pull me in with his charm.. o-or, his beautiful eye that will just swallow you whole upon gazing at it, or his deep hypnotizing voice, or his soft and gentle touch.. His hand caressing my rib cage and even more.. Our bodies pressed together in an embrace..


I love you Horror. I don't want you to ever leave me, please.."

I exhaled deeply. I held myself on the ground, longing for Horror. I let out a breathy laugh.

"Wh-what am I going to do..? Aha-.. What's wrong with me?" I asked myself, desperate. That was until I heard a voice behind me.


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Cliffhangers. You gotta love em'.

Endless Echo [Horrordust; Horror x Dust]Where stories live. Discover now