IV: Romantic Rhythm

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Pretty heated making out scene ahead. If you are uncomfortable with that you can skip past it, it shouldn't be too hard.
Although if it may be too much I can put the part in bold so it's easier to avoid. Just ask if so!

Horror's POV:

"Dust.." I let myself slip. I saw the flowers lit up again from my window and might have listened to everything Dust had to say.

He jolted, turning around with wide eyes. He looked afraid of what I may be doing here. I felt slightly guilty, yet stepped towards him anyways. He sat on his knees still in shock.

"H-Horror—" He stuttered.

I crouched down in front of him, giving him a reassuring smile.

I love you too." I said sincerely, my face flushed. Dust's face was brighter though, glowing a purple in the blue atmosphere.

I gently placed my hand on his cheek. Dust in return leaned against it, eyes closed. He held his own hand against mine to keep it there, engulfing the warmth.

"Did you..- When did you find this place?" He said, stammering.

"Couple days ago. You're really obsessed with me aren't cha'?" I said, teasing him. His face got brighter, as he snickered.

"Yep, so obsessed." He teased back sarcastically.

It was comfortable silence, him scooting towards me more to lean on my chest, eyes still closed.

Suddenly, Dust lifted his head up along with his body enough for our foreheads to touch. He stared at me deeply, arms pinning me by the sides of my waist.

"Could I.. steal a kiss?" Dust asked anxiously. His face was a purple hue. The blue light of the flowers continued to illuminate us. I just chuckled. I was taken aback, but grinned.

"You're asking that now?"

Dust giggled at this, making me blush more. I never heard him giggle like that. It was so sweet sounding.

"If you really want a kiss.." I said, grinning. I switched the roles a bit, my arms pinning his waist now as my face lured right over his, our breaths colliding. His face was burning, as he gazed at me with curious and soft eyes. I leaned in, only to lick his lips. I could feel him shiver, which just made more satisfied.

"Come and get me."

In a rapid motion, Dust wrapped his arms around my neck, our mouths smashing together. I just smirked in the kiss, kissing him back roughly. I licked his lips for entrance, and he gave me access, as I let my tongue fight his for dominance. Dust attempted to suppress a moan, but failed, leading to me winning and exploring his mouth. My arms were wrapped around his waist, pulling our bodies closer to each other, yet still cautious of his sore ribcage.

Upon separating, he looked at me with half lidded eyes. I went down in the crook of his neck, and slid my tongue along it. He let out a shaky breath. I then left kisses from there up to his jawline. He suppressed a laugh, lightly pushing me away.

"That tickles.." He grinned, hands resting on my shoulders as mine still held his waist to keep him balanced. My knee was between his legs while his legs practically hugged my waist.

"Really now?" I smirked, curious on what other parts of him were 'ticklish'. He just laughed, lightly pushing me away more.

"We should... probably get back to the base." Dust suggested, yet looking a little upset not wanting this moment to ever end. I pouted a little too, yet nodded understanding.

I stood up, helping him up too. We walked out of the woods, him leaning against me. Before we teleported back, Dust tugged my sleeve with a smirk.

"We should do this again some time." Dust purred, kissing me on the cheek. "Goodnight Horror." Then he teleported.

Endless Echo [Horrordust; Horror x Dust]Where stories live. Discover now