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Adam thought about the killing spree that took place in the mall the previous night as he walked through the halls of Shadyside High. He walks into the girls bathroom, finding Simon and Kate, who were planning to "scare" their friend, Deena Johnson. People couldn't even take all these deaths seriously, they took it as a joke. Even the school didn't take the whole witch thing seriously, their trophy stand was labeled "Shadyside Witches" like apparently everyday was Halloween.

Heather was killed by her best friend, and even if her locker was decorated as a memorial, no one seemed to want to care.

Shadyside was the exact opposite in comparison to Sunnyvale. Shadyside was just misery and death, labeled the most popular area in the USA for killings and murders. No wealthy people existed in Shadyside, there were no good jobs, and basically almost every teenager had some sort of mental or physical health problem, whether it be being addicted to drugs or being diagnosed with some mental illness. Shadyside had nothing to offer in Sunnyvale's eyes, just more people to walk all over. Sunnyvale was for preppy, wealthy people who didn't know what misery was. They had no crime rate, at all, not for about 300 years at least, the town's witch, Sarah Fier, haunted Shadyside, as it was rumored.

Like Camp Nightwing in '78. The axe killer Tommy Slater killed his friends, girlfriend, and other Shadyside campers before ultimately disappearing. Or, Ruby Lane in 1965. She killed her friends and boyfriend, and then herself as she cut her wrists open as she bled out to die. Or maybe many of the other stories and murderers that had taken place in Shadyside. No matter what those stupid, ignorant Sunnyvaler's were always protected.

Adam made his way to the girls bathroom, where Kate Schmidt and Simon Kalivoda were waiting for him as they sprayed red spray paint onto the bathroom stalls. Adam couldn't help his eyes be attached to the blonde who smiled so kindly towards him, asking how his day was and how he slept. He responded with the usual, fine and not that good. Insomnia was a common problem for Adam, but his lack of being able to swallow pills like an adult made melatonin impossible to take, such as basically everything else except Pepto Bismol. His throat would automatically close up no matter what he did, making him gag the nasty chemicals back up as he nearly threw up from the taste of it.

Simon gives the brunette a hug, and a platonic kiss on the cheek before he drags him into the stall with him, giggling about scaring Deena. Adam didn't understand how Simon could be so happy so early in the morning, but through his dark and heavy eyebags, he couldn't lie that he thought it was kind of cute. Both him and Simon were openly queer, and were awaiting to face a serial killer standing above them at this point for being gay. They were only out because someone saw Simon kiss Adam on the cheek in the band room after class and told the whole school. They weren't together, their touchy love was just platonic as they were both lonely, queer teens.

Deena walks into the bathroom as Kate starts reciting the stupid witch rhyme in an eerie voice, Simon pops out to continue and Adam follows, finishing the last line as the curly haired girl stands in front of the mirror, ranting that we weren't funny and people just died.

"It's just fun" Simon says, a fake pout on his face

"It's sick" Deena says

"What? The dude was wearing a Halloween skull mask!" Simon argues, "How is that not fun?"

"Si, people like, died. Don't say that" Adam says, shaking his head in disappointment as Deena agrees with him

"The dude was probably just some sad sack who hated his life, like the rest of us, except he decided, 'Hey, why don't I get out of here for good, and take Heather and a couple other mall rats with me?' There's no angry dead witch who made him postal. The only thing that made him go crazy is this town!"

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