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"Did they get back together?" Simon asks

"I don't think so!" Adam exclaims, dragging Simon with him as they ran after Deena and Sam, the skullmask killer following them

They separated from Deena and Sam halfway down the hall, meeting up with Kate and Josh in a fee moments, making their way back to the lobby.

"Where are the keys? Do you have the keys?" Simon frantically asks


"Where.. where are the keys?"

"Deena has them.. Fuck!" Adam exclaims

"Come on, the ambulance!" Kate leads the other three boys outside, leading them towards the hospital's ambulances, their escape vehicle. How original.

Kate pulls the ambulance around the to front, Simon left the doors open, awaiting Sam and Deena's arrival. Adam saw they were fighting off the killer as they ran out and into the ambulance as they slammed the door shit and Kate slammed on the gas, driving off.

Kate rushed the two girls to the police station, where they apparently wanted to report it because the police would totally believe a dead kid came back to life and slaughtered many people in the hospital. Adam didn't know what was going through their heads, but the only comfort in his mental breakdown was music, playing Metallica's Enter Sandman. Adam silenced Kate, Josh, and Simon talking about whatever they were talking about, trying to calm his tears down. He shoved Simon away on the way to the police station, feeling like a total pussy for crying.

Simon leaves to take a piss, fixing his red jacket as he walked off, leaving Josh, Kate, and Adam alone in the back of the ambulance. Suddenly, a loud shriek that sounded freakishly like Simon alerted the trio, it was so loud even Adam could hear it clearly through his headphones. He was the first to rush out of the ambulance, finding a baseball bat leaned up against a building as he rushed to his lovers aid.

In the middle of the street, Simon was being held down by some freaky chick with a razorblade that she had held to his throat. Simon screams again, calling Adam's name. Adam had dried tears covering his face, music blasting in his ears, a bat in hand, and built up anger he had to take out somehow.

"Hey, freaky chick!" This caught the girls attention, Simon's as well, "If you wanna kill a hot dude, start with me, and get away from my fucking boyfriend!"

Adam runs to the girl, smacking her upside the head with the wooden bat. Simon quickly got up off the pavement, rushing back towards Josh, Deena, Sam, and Kate who just arrived.

Adam knocked the freaky girl to the ground, smashing her face in with the bat. It was gruesome honestly, Kate didn't even know if she could look at wholesome, sweet Adam the same way after that. The girls face was collapsed inward, her eyes mush and black blood spilling from her head, creating a pool around her still body. Adam stood above the girl, before dropping the bat.

A weird squelching noise came from the corpse, the blood instantly dried on the pavement as the girls fingers twitched, her face becoming whole and normal again. Adam had a face of terror and confusion painting his face as he made a run for it, signalling the others to move their asses as well. The girl stood up quick, grabbing her razor and slowly chasing after the group.


Back at Deena's, Sam crashes onto the couch while Simon closes the curtains, just to be extra safe.

"I don't understand, smashing her face in didn't stop her" Sam says

"Amazing observation, Einstein" Adam rolls his eyes

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