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Kate got the whole bus riled up as she held an ice pack to her temple. She was making the bus chant that they weren't the reject pile and they weren't gonna get stepped on anymore. Deena was laying in her seat, tired and wanting to go home. Simon stood up, putting a hand on Kate's shoulder.

"What are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna go kill those preppy assholes!" Kate exclaims

"Yeah!" The bus cheers

They chant Kate's name as she sits down on the furthest back to the right seat, catching her breathe as Adam gives her a thumbs up. Simon stands up on the seat with Adam holding his feet down so he wouldn't slip off and bust his face.

"When I say Shady, you say side!" He shouts, "Shady!"




"When I say Shady, you say side!" Simon hops off the seat, walking up and down the aisle. "Shady!"






Deena looks back from the second to last seat in front of Adam as he flips on some music for himself. A car horn beeps as headlights illuminate her face. The car speeds up as Deena pulls herself up, walking towards the back of the bus, catching Adam's attention as he looks back.


They throw glass bottles at the back of the bus as Deena almost falls over, causing Adam to look back through the door. Deena shouts for Kate and Simon, unknowing of what to do. The bus continues chanting as the car's tires screech as the boys in the car chant and continue to throw glass bottles at the bus, still blaring the horn. 

"You gotta be kidding me"

"Hey, isn't that, uh.."


Deena moves for a second as Adam sits on his knees in Kate's seat, looking out the back window. Simon, being a dumbass, pulls his pants down as he sticks his bare asscheeks on the door window. 

"Sunnyvale sucks!" He exclaims as they throw another bottle at the door, making him pull his pants back up and stop looking like a doofus.

"What is wrong with you?" Adam asks the blonde, a disappointed expression covering his face.

"Open the door!" Deena demands, holding a yellow bucket of juice they took for refreshments.

Adam reluctantly opens the door, letting it swing out as the beeping alarm goes off. 

"This is definitely a good idea, right? Deena?" Kate asks

"On three, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Kate asks, helping Deena handle the bucket

"One, two.."

Deena looks to Kate as she exclaims, letting go of the bucket, letting the whole thing fly towards the car, blood dripping from her nose. The car tires screech as it trails off the road, a loud crash is heard while Deena and Kate scream for the driver to stop the bus.

The police were quickly called, with Deena rushing down into the woods to make sure Sam was okay. Kate, Simon, and Adam told everyone to stay put and not say shit to the police until they said as they left the bus, carefully making their way to Sam and Deena. Once the trio reaches Deena and Sam, Kate and Deena start arguing that they had to leave. 

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