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TW for talk of suicide and self harm, read at your own risk if these topics trigger you.

At Shadyside High School, the 'Lost & Found' bin would become the group's best friend. They had to decontaminate and make sure they didn't have even a speck of Sam's blood on them. Each kid picked out a brand new outfit that wouldn't make them too uncomfortable to wear, or they had gotten something else to replace any bloody item. Simon and Adam went into the boys bathroom together, Josh joining Kate in the girls, and Sam and Deena walking off to another bathroom or something.

Adam, not a fan of changing anywhere but his bedroom, went into one of the stalls as he would change his shirt, seeing as a bit of blood got onto it, and his shoes. Meanwhile, Simon changed and washed himself out next to the sinks. He handed some soaked napkins under the stall for Adam, not knowing if he had any blood on his skin, he did though, some of the blood from the last night didn't wash off in the shower somehow, so his face was a bit stained. He cleaned up the tiny cuts on his legs as well, making sure they wouldn't get infected. Adam slipped on the grey sweater, which, surprisingly, wasn't all that itchy.

Adam slipped on the white Nike's he'd have to wear, messing with his black socks a bit. The brunette heard a noise, making sure his cassette player didn't turn on or break during his fall, he forgot he even had it on him at this point. The player was okay, so we're his headphones, knowing Simon, he looked under the stall, seeing Simon's feet moving around.

"You better not be jerking off at your own reflection right now, Si"

"I'm not!" Simon exclaims, jumping a bit

"Dude what the fuck? Were you?"

"No! Oh my God, no!"

"Okay are you dressed or no because I don't wanna be weird, man"

"Just- just a second"

Simon changed into the blue cardigan he picked, and redish-orange jeans he picked. A horrendous outfit Adam wouldn't stand for as he quickly ran out to the box, grabbing some baggy, black jeans out of it. Adam shoved them into Simon's hands.

"You look ridiculous, you suit the cardigan but the pants are horrible." Adam tells the blonde

Simon rolls his eyes as he changes into the jeans, throwing the redish-orange ones at Adam. The brunette throws them on the floor for later as he puts his headphones on, playing Hole's Celebrity Skin. Simon and Adam exit the bathroom, waiting for their friends as they sit along the wall, Adam in between Simon's legs. Adam admires Simon's hand, looking at his black nail polish and rings, finding Simon as a whole just attractive.

"Serious question.. uh.. are we like, boyfriends?" Adam asks Simon

"Yeah, if you wanna be" Simon smiles

"Cool." Adam mutters, "I'm sorry for earlier when I said 'Get away from my boyfriend' I- that probably made you so uncomfortable-" the brunette rants, being cut off by the blonde

"No, no, no. That was hot" Simon chuckles

"No, that- that wasn't though"

"It was! I swear when I looked back to see you like- instant turn on"

"Sure, whatever" Adam rolls his eyes, chuckling

Kate and Josh exit the bathroom as Simon gawks at them.

"It was barely first base, okay?" Kate dismissed

Deena and Sam come from down the hallway, Deena wearing overalls with a yellow shirt and Sam with a light blue top and black leggings.

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